IBM Support

nco_p_generic_tmf814_2_0 probe unable to subscribe to Ericsson SOEM notification

Technical Blog Post


nco_p_generic_tmf814_2_0 probe unable to subscribe to Ericsson SOEM notification


Previously, it was reported that users of probe-nco-p-generic-tmf814-2_0 usually encountered a connection problem when subscribing to notification of the Ericsson SOEM EMS. This was observed in the probe debug log shown below


2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Subscribing for notifications
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Subscribe notification consumer...
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Populating event channel...
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Set consumer admin...
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Set proxy push supplier...

2015-06-30T15:24:51: Error: E-JPR-000-000: Exception when subscribing to notification : org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN:   vmcid: 0x0  minor code: 0 completed: Maybe
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Information: I-JPR-000-000: Endpoint subscribed
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: EXITING
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: ENTERING
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: EXITING
2015-06-30T15:24:51: Information: I-JPR-000-000: Probe connected
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: ENTERING
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Information: I-JPR-000-000: Checking Probe Heartbeat
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: EXITING
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Information: I-JPR-000-000: DISCONNECT 'Lost subscription'
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: ENTERING
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: ENTERING
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: EXITING
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: Scheduled resync time = 0 : Time now = 1435670751436
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Debug: D-JPR-000-000: ENTERING
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Information: I-JPR-000-000: Probe disconnecting
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Information: I-JPR-000-000: Disconnecting TMF814...
2015-06-30T15:25:51: Information: I-JPR-000-000: Probe disconnected


From IBM ORB debug log, the above error message (highlighted in red) indicated that when probe was requesting TMF814 API obtain_notification_push_supplier, the EMS replied with SYSTEM_EXCEPTION

Request Message
Date:          June 30, 2015 3:24:51 PM CEST
Thread Info:   ProbeRunner
Local Port:    41218 (0xA102)
Local IP:
Remote Port:   27889 (0x6CF1)
Remote IP:
GIOP Version:  1.2
Byte order:    big endian
Fragment to follow: No   
Message size:  160 (0xA0)
Request ID:        20
Response Flag:     WITH_TARGET
Target Address:     0
Object Key:        length = 64 (0x40)
                   004F4F00 FE504F41 FE457665 6E744368
                   616E6E65 6C466163 746F7279 504F41FE
                   00000000 00000000 493F35DF 134EC7F4
                   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000003
Operation:         obtain_notification_push_supplier
Service Context:   length = 2 (0x2)
      Context ID:  1229081874 (0x49424D12)
    Context data:  length = 8 (0x8)
                   00BD0001 16000001                   
      Context ID:  17 (0x11)
    Context data:  length = 2 (0x2)
Data Offset:       a2

0000: 47494F50 01020000 000000A0 00000014   GIOP............
0010: 03000000 0000BDBD 00000040 004F4F00   ...........@.OO.
0020: FE504F41 FE457665 6E744368 616E6E65   .POA.EventChanne
0030: 6C466163 746F7279 504F41FE 00000000   lFactoryPOA.....
0040: 00000000 493F35DF 134EC7F4 00000000   ....I?5..N......
0050: 00000000 00000000 00000003 00000022   ..............."
0060: 6F627461 696E5F6E 6F746966 69636174   obtain_notificat
0070: 696F6E5F 70757368 5F737570 706C6965   ion_push_supplie
0080: 7200BDBD 00000002 49424D12 00000008   r.......IBM.....
0090: 00BD0001 16000001 00000011 00000002   ................
00A0: 0002BDBD BDBDBDBD 00000002            ............  

Reply Message
Date:          June 30, 2015 3:24:51 PM CEST
Thread Info:   RT=3:P=690676:O=0:TCPTransportConnection[addr=,port=27889,local=41218]
Local Port:    41218 (0xA102)
Local IP:
Remote Port:   27889 (0x6CF1)
Remote IP:
GIOP Version:  1.2
Byte order:    big endian
Fragment to follow: No   
Message size:  56 (0x38)
Request ID:        20
Service Context:   length = 0 (0x0)
Reply Status:      SYSTEM_EXCEPTION
Exception ID:
Minor code:       0(0x0)
Completion status:MAYBE

0000: 47494F50 01020001 00000038 00000014   GIOP.......8....
0010: 00000002 00000000 0000001E 49444C3A   ............IDL:
0020: 6F6D672E 6F72672F 434F5242 412F554E
0030: 4B4E4F57 4E3A312E 30000000 00000000   KNOWN:1.0.......
0040: 00000002

This is because it was found that (and later confirmed by Ericsson) SOEM EMS TMF814 implementation only supported STRUCTURED_EVENT. Different from the GA-ed version of the probe; probe-nco-p-generic-tmf814-2_0 which only supported SEQUENCE_EVENT. Therefore, in probe-nco-p-generic-tmf814-2_1 (testfix), a new probe property; NotificationClientType has been introduced  to support both SEQUENCE_EVENT and STRUCTURED_EVENT.  By default, this property has a value of 'SEQUENCE_EVENT'. Since this EMS only support Structure event, user need to enable and change the property value to 'STRUCTURED_EVENT' after apply the testfix.


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