IBM Support

General Probe Rules for OMNIbus-Network Manager event enrichment

Technical Blog Post


General Probe Rules for OMNIbus-Network Manager event enrichment


Enrichment event can be defined as event that contained network entity and topology information. In general, there are several event fields that are required in order for event enrichment between OMNIbus and IBM Tivoli Network Manager (ITNM) to take place. These existing OMNIbus object server field can be easily populated in the probe rules file. Therefore, the ingredients (object server fields) for this recipe are as listed in section below.
  1. @LocalNodeAlias
  2. @NmosEventMap
  3. @LocalPriObj
  4. @LocalRootObj
  5. @RemoteNodeAlias
The ingredients described above should be sufficient enough for most of the fault management NBIs such as SNMP, TM814, Corba 3GPP, and other proprietary NBI. 
However, it is important to note that, the main ingredients (requirement or the pre-requisites) for this recipe to take place are


  • IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus version 7.3.1 with Fix Pack 3 and above
  • IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition 3.9 or higher  


For each of the event, it will be massaged with
1. @LocalNodeAlias
  • Set this field to contain value IP address, hostname or  sysName of the managed object or managed device on which the event occurred.
Possible attribute : 
@LocalNodeAlias = “<device IP_Address>”
@LocalNodeAlias = “”
Possible attribute : 
@LocalNodeAlias = “<device hostname>”
@LocalNodeAlias = “”
Possible attribute : 
@LocalNodeAlias = “<ManagedElementName>”
@LocalNodeAlias = “mydeviceABC”
Possible attribute : 
@LocalNodeAlias = “<sysName for SNMP device>”
@LocalNodeAlias = “mySysName”
2. @NmosEventMap
  • Set this field if you intend to integrate OMNIbus with Network Manager. This field contains Network Manager event map name that will be used for Network Manager topology lookup.
  • In other words,  this field will be used by Network Manager Event Gateway to perform Gateway stitcher lookup for Network Manager Entities.
  • A new Network Manager Event name will need to be created in Network Manager if the existing one is not suitable.
  • This field also allows precedence number in integer to be defined. By default, precedence number is set to zero (0) if it is undefined.
  • The precedence number allows user to define which event to be Root Cause, hence suppressing other events. Root Cause events are basically events with higher precedence value.
Format : 
@NmosEventMap = "<eventMapName>[.precedence values]"
@NmosEventMap = "EMSNonPollingEvent.900"
@NmosEventMap = "NbrFail"
3. @LocalPriObj
  • Set this field to indicate the object instance referenced by the event
  • Typically, this field contains Network Resource which trigger the event. 
  • Network Resource can be divided into two types. 
There are :
(a) Interfaces or ports
(b) Physical Entity such as card (module), fan, power supply
(a) Format for Interface Event:
@LocalPriObj = “ifEntry.<Interface Name>” 
@LocalPriObj = “ifEntry.<SNMP Interface Index>” 
Example for Interface Event :
@LocalPriObj = “ifEntry.100”
@LocalPriObj = “ifEntry.FE0/2”
(b) Format for Physical Entity Event:
@LocalPriObj = “entPhysicalEntry.<SNMP Entity Physical Index>”
@LocalPriObj = “entPhysicalEntry.9”
4. @LocalRootObj
  • Set this field to contain furthest down object which can be extracted from the information of the managed object
  • If there is no containment can be identified, the root object can be the primary object or its alias
similar to @LocalPriObj format, refer to point (3).
@LocalRootObj = @LocalPriObj
5. @RemoteNodeAlias
  • Set this field to indicate the remote or neighbour device IP address
  • This field is meant for topology event correlation
Possible attribute : 
@RemoteNodeAlias = “<neighbour device IP_Address>”
@RemoteNodeAlias = “”

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"","label":""},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

