IBM Support

A little known or used probe or gateway command line option -dumpprops

Technical Blog Post


A little known or used probe or gateway command line option -dumpprops


When working with various OMNIbus integrations it is quite often that they are run with the “-version” argument to obtain the version information. However there is another universal integration argument that is not very well known called “dumpprops”.

The output of this argument provides a full list of all the specific integration arguments and values, along with any of the generic integration arguments and values that are provided by the version of OMNIbus used. The values shown in the output are those that would be used when the probe starts, as it includes any modification to the values from the properties file. This makes the output valuable to ensure the integration is configured as expected.

An example output for the simnet probe:


# ./nco_p_simnet -dumpprops


# Netcool Properties File


# libnetcool: 5.20.25


# Written: Tue Sep  4 16:19:12 2012


AuthPassword: '' # STRING (No description available)

AuthUserName: '' # STRING (No description available)

AutoSAF: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

BeatInterval: 2 # INTEGER (No description available)

BeatThreshold: 1 # INTEGER (No description available)

Buffering: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

BufferSize: 10 # INTEGER (No description available)

ConfigCryptoAlg: 'AES' # STRING (The cryptographic algorithm to use when encrypting and decrypting config values and files)

ConfigKeyFile: '' # STRING (Location of the file containing the key for encrypted config values and files)

Help: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

KeepLastBrokenSAF: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

LogFile: '/space/73GA/omnibus/probes/solaris2/simnet.def' # STRING (No description available)

LogFilePoolSize: 10 # INTEGER (No description available)

LogFileUsePool: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

LogFileUseStdErr: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

LookupTableMode: 3 # INTEGER (No description available)

Manager: 'Omnibus' # STRING (No description available)

MaxLogFileSize: 1048576 # INTEGER64 (No description available)

MaxRawFileSize: -1 # INTEGER (No description available)

MaxSAFFileSize: 1048576 # INTEGER (No description available)

MessageLevel: 'warn' # STRING (No description available)

MessageLog: '/space/73GA/omnibus/log/simnet.log' # STRING (No description available)

Mode: 'standard' # STRING (No description available)

MsgDailyLog: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

MsgTimeLog: '0000' # STRING (No description available)

Name: 'simnet' # STRING (No description available)

NetworkTimeout: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OldTimeStamp: 'FALSE' # STRING (No description available)

OplDetailsTableName: 'alerts.details' # STRING (No description available)

OplDumpProps: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplPacketSize: 512 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplPaID: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplPaName: '' # STRING (No description available)

OplStatsCPUTimeSec: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsCPUTimeUSec: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsMemoryInUse: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsNumberEvents: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsNumberEventsDiscarded: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsNumberEventsGenerated: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsProbeStartTime: 1346771952 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsRulesFileTimeSec: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatsRulesFileTimeUSec: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

OplStatusTableName: 'alerts.status' # STRING (No description available)

PeerHost: 'localhost' # STRING (No description available)

Peerport: 9999 # INTEGER (No description available)

PidFile: '/space/73GA/omnibus/var/simnet' # STRING (No description available)

PollServer: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

ProbeWatchHeartbeatInterval: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

Props.CheckNames: TRUE # BOOLEAN (Cause program to abort if any property is not understood at the time it is read)

PropsFile: '/space/73GA/omnibus/probes/solaris2/simnet.props' # STRING (No description available)

RawCapture: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

RawCaptureFile: '/space/73GA/omnibus/var/simnet.cap' # STRING (No description available)

RawCaptureFileAppend: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

RegexpLibrary: 'TRE' # STRING (No description available)

RetryConnectionCount: 15 # INTEGER (No description available)

RetryConnectionTimeOut: 30 # INTEGER (No description available)

RollSAFInterval: 90 # INTEGER (No description available)

RulesFile: '/space/73GA/omnibus/probes/solaris2/simnet.rules' # STRING (No description available)

SAFFileName: '/space/73GA/omnibus/var/' # STRING (No description available)

SAFPoolSize: 3 # INTEGER (No description available)

SecureLogin: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

Server: 'NCOMS' # STRING (No description available)

ServerBackup: '' # STRING (No description available)

SingleThreadedComms: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

SSLServerCommonName: '' # STRING (No description available)

StoreAndForward: 1 # INTEGER (No description available)

StoreSAFRejects: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)

TimeBetweenEvents: 1000 # INTEGER (No description available)

Version: 0 # INTEGER (No description available)



[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"","label":""},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

