IBM Support

New Probe rule functions delivered with OMNIbus 8.1 fix pack 4

Technical Blog Post


New Probe rule functions delivered with OMNIbus 8.1 fix pack 4


In response to a customer Request For Enhancement (RFE) new Probe rules file functions have been introduced with the recent OMNIbus 8.1 fix pack 4.
The functions improve a Probe's ability to handle certain SNMP data types, which have until now required verbose rules file logic and lookup tables in order to convert into a format that is human readable and more suitable for insertion into an ObjectServer.

Five new functions have been introduced...

hextimetostring - Convert 8 or 11 octet hexadecimal DateAndTime to an ISO 8601 timestamp string
hextodecimal - Convert a hexadecimal string to a decimal string, can be used to easily convert a space separated hexadecimal IPv4 address to a dotted decimal string e.g.
decimaltohex - Convert a decimal string to a hexadecimal string, can be used to convert a delimited mac address to IEEE 802 style colon separated MAC address string e.g. 01:23:45:67:89:ab
hextoascii - Convert hexadecimal encoded OID strings to ASCII
decimaltoascii - Convert decimal encoded OID string to ASCII


Full details on the new functions can be found in the Knowledge Centre SNMP Conversion Functions section.


If you have new feature or enhancement ideas that you would like to see added to Netcool/OMNIbus, or indeed other IBM products, then please raise an RFE using the IBM developerWorks RFE community.  Each OMNIbus RFE is reviewed by the development team and we try to get as many into the product as we can.  Greater consideration is given to RFE's with more votes, so if you see an enhancement that you like, don't forget to vote for it!  Here is a list of all the Netcool/OMNIbus RFEs  for your consideration :)



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