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Log Analysis - Logstash 123 (Part 1)

Technical Blog Post


Log Analysis - Logstash 123 (Part 1)


In this Part 1 of the "Logstash 123" series, let's talk about the INPUT plugin.



input {
        file {

                type => "syslog"
                path => ["/var/log/syslog-la.log"]


According to the requirement of the scalable data collection architecture of Log Analysis, you will need to configure the INPUT plugin on Logstash Receiver and Logstash Sender.


If you are not familiar to Logstash Receiver, please refer here.

If you are not familiar to Logstash Sender, please refer here.


In a nutshell, for Logstash Receiver, you will be (depending on your setup) receiving data from Log File Agent (LFA), syslog, or Filebeat.

As for Logstash Sender, you will be getting data from Kafka.


(1) INPUT section for Logstash Receiver

(a) Receiving data from Log File Agent (LFA)


       ## TCP Input plugin for IBM Log File Agent (LFA)

       tcp {
                port => 18989
                type => "lfa"


In the example above, Logstash will be listening at port 18989 for data sent by LFA.


(b) Receiving data from a local syslog


        ## TCP input plugin for Syslog data

        file {

                type => "syslog"
                path => ["/var/log/syslog-la.log"]


In the example above, Logstash will read the "syslog" file at "/var/log/syslog-la.log".


(c) Receiving data from Filebeat

        ## beats Input plugin for Filebeat data
        beats {
                port => 18979
                #type => "filebeat-ip"



In the example above, Logstash will be listening at port 18979 for data sent by Filebeat.


(2) INPUT section for Logstash Sender

Since Logstash Sender can only pull data from Kafka, there is only one setup:


input {
        ## Kafka input plugin
        ## Create a copy for each topic in kafka (datasource in LA)
        kafka {
                ## Zookeeper host and port
                zk_connect => "IP_ADDRESS:17981"
                group_id => "PUNE_WAS_SystemOut"
                topic_id => "PUNE_WAS_SystemOut"
                consumer_threads => 4
                consumer_restart_on_error => true
                consumer_restart_sleep_ms => 100
                fetch_message_max_bytes => 500000
                queue_size => 2000
                auto_offset_reset => smallest



For more information about the individual parameters used, you can refer here.


If you are not familiar with Kafka, you can refer to the official documentation here.


That's all for now. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the "Logstash 123" series!




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