IBM Support

DASH to Evaluate - Administrator Dashboard

Technical Blog Post


DASH to Evaluate - Administrator Dashboard


imageWelcome to DASH to Evaluate!

In these series of blogs, we will showcase new features and
give you a chance to provide feedback.

Today, we will look at a custom dashboard being designed for JazzSM administrators.
This dashboard is a quicker way to present information on our SMC site to the consumer without leaving the console
to perform the search.

We are assuming that administrators have access to an external network before accessing this dashboard.
The dashboard displays a summary of the need to know information about DASH.

Please take a look and let us know what's good, what's bad, and what's missing?
All comments will be taken into consideration for the final design.

Post your comment here in response to this blog post.
You can click on the image below to download the file.

Look forward to your comments!


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