IBM Support

Using a CCDT file from WebSphere Application Server to access IBM MQ queue managers

Technical Blog Post


Using a CCDT file from WebSphere Application Server to access IBM MQ queue managers


If you are using the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) and want to access a group of IBM MQ queue managers (separate queue managers or a multi-instance queue manager), one alternative is to use a Client Channel Definition Table (CCDT).

The following are some useful techdocs that may help you in configuring a Connection Factory or an Activation Specification that uses a CCDT:

a) If you are using multi-instance queue managers, here are 2 techdocs with full instructions:

b) If you are NOT using multi-instance queue managers, but separate queue managers in a group, then here are 2 relevant techdocs:

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Author: Angel Rivera;
Document Number: 1081215

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