IBM Support

IBM Installation Manager - Generating a response from a current installation

Technical Blog Post


IBM Installation Manager - Generating a response from a current installation



My IBM colleague, Paul B, kindly pointed this out to me a few weeks back. IBM Installation Manager (IIM) provides a number of excellent capabilities, some of which we have written about here before:

This time around, I wanted to mention the ability that IIM offers to generate a response file from an existing installation. As an example, I have recently installed IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) Advanced, specifically the Decision Server Rules capability.

This is what IIM shows as installed: -

( ignore the bulk of the list; this is a VM which contains ALL of the core Smarter Process elements, but we're only focused on ODM today )

I installed the ODM Rules component from two distinct IIM repositories:

  • Binaries - /mnt/hgfs/ODM87/Product
  • Fixes - /mnt/hgfs/ODM87/Fixes/

With the product already installed, let's pretend I've mislaid the response file that I used to install it or, to be more realistic, I've inherited this installation with little/no documentation. Well, don't worry - IIM comes to the rescue with the generateResponseFile command, as per the following example:

/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl generateResponseFile -repositories /mnt/hgfs/ODM87/Product/DecisionServerRules/repository.config,/mnt/hgfs/ODM87/Fixes/updates/repository.config

which returns:

    <variable name='sharedLocation' value=''/>
    <!-- Set features to "required", "default", or "all" to install the corresponding set of features. -->
    <variable name='features' value='default'/>
    <!-- Installation location for Decision Server Rules -->
    <variable name='installLocation' value=''/>
    <!-- Features for Decision Server Rules -->
    <variable name=''>
      Required features:
        base: base
      <if name='features' equals='required' value=',base'/>
      Default features: Rule Designer Rule Execution Server Samples and Tutorials Update sites for installation into other Eclipse products Local help system
      <if name='features' equals='default' value=',,,,,,base'/>
      Non-default features: Scorecard Modeler Rule Execution Server for Tomcat Rule Execution Server for JBoss Rule Execution Server for WebLogic Rule Execution Server for Liberty profile
      <if name='features' equals='all' value=',,,,,,,,,,,base'/>
    <repository location='file:/mnt/hgfs/ODM87/Product/DecisionServerRules/'/>
  <preference name='' value='${sharedLocation}'/>
  <profile id='Operational Decision Manager V8.7' installLocation='${installLocation}'>
    <!-- Common Data: -->
    <!-- WAS Home user data -->
    <data key='user.wodm_was_home' value=''/>
    <!-- WAS Admin User Password -->
    <data key='user.wodm_admin_password' value='****'/>
    <!-- WAS Admin User Name -->
    <data key='user.wodm_admin_username' value=''/>
    <!-- Confirm User Password -->
    <data key='user.confirm_password' value='****'/>
    <!-- User data for License -->
    <data key='user.lic.dsr' value=''/>
    <!-- User data for Production -->
    <data key='' value=''/>
    <!-- User data for Production -->
    <data key='' value=''/>
    <!-- User data for License -->
    <data key='user.lic.dse' value=''/>
    <!-- User data for License -->
    <data key='user.lic.dc' value=''/>
    <!-- Decision Server Rules -->
    <offering profile='Operational Decision Manager V8.7' id='' version='' features='${}'/>

Notice that the passwords are hashed out; there's no way with IIM that someone can determine the passwords that we used to build the environment, and that's a good thing.

I can also have IIM actually create a response file, rather than merely outputting to the console:

/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl generateResponseFile -repositories /mnt/hgfs/ODM87/Product/DecisionServerRules/repository.config,/mnt/hgfs/ODM87/Fixes/updates/repository.config -output buildODM87.rsp

Generated response file buildODM87.rsp

However, we now have some documentation about our environment, as well as a response file that we can use to perform a new installation, perhaps on a new environment.

Finally, I can generate a response file even without the original product/fix repositories to hand:

/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl generateResponseFile -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/ODM87/

    <variable name='sharedLocation' value='/opt/IBM/IMShared'/>
    <!-- Installation location for Decision Server Rules -->
    <variable name='installLocation' value='/opt/IBM/ODM87'/>
  <preference name='' value='${sharedLocation}'/>
    <repository location='file:/tmp/foobar/updates/'/>
  <profile id='Operational Decision Manager V8.7' installLocation='${installLocation}'>
    <data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86_64'/>
    <!-- Common Data: -->
    <!-- User data for License -->
    <data key='user.lic.dsr' value='full'/>
    <!-- User data for Production -->
    <data key='' value='true'/>
    <!-- WAS Home user data -->
    <data key='user.wodm_was_home' value='/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'/>
    <!-- WAS Admin User Password -->
    <data key='user.wodm_admin_password' value='****'/>
    <!-- WAS Admin User Name -->
    <data key='user.wodm_admin_username' value='wasadmin'/>
    <!-- Confirm User Password -->
    <!-- WAS Admin User Password -->
    <!-- Confirm User Password -->
    <data key='user.confirm_password' value='****'/>
    <!-- Decision Server Rules -->
    <offering profile='Operational Decision Manager V8.7' id='' version='' features='base,,'/>


/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl generateResponseFile -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/

    <variable name='sharedLocation' value='/opt/IBM/IMShared'/>
    <!-- Installation location for: -->
    <!--   IBM® Business Process Manager Advanced -->
    <!--   IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition (Optional) -->
    <!--   IBM® Business Monitor -->
    <!--   IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment -->
    <!--   IBM® Cognos Business Intelligence 64 bit -->
    <variable name='installLocation' value='/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'/>
  <preference name='' value='${sharedLocation}'/>
    <repository location='file:/mnt/hgfs/Software/Repo/BPM856/Product/repository/repos_64bit'/>
    <repository location='file:/mnt/hgfs/Software/Repo/BAM856/Product/repository'/>
    <repository location='file:/mnt/hgfs/Software/Repo/WAS/Fixes'/>
  <profile id='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5' installLocation='${installLocation}'>
    <data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86'/>
    <!-- IBM® Business Process Manager Advanced -->
    <offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5' id='' version='8.5.6000.20150304_1832' features='AdvancedProcessCenter'/>
    <!-- IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition (Optional) -->
    <offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5' id='' version='7.0.8010.20150219_1802' features=''/>
    <!-- IBM® Business Monitor -->
    <offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5' id='' version='8.5.6000.20150303_1517' features='Monitor.Production'/>
    <!-- IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment -->
    <offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5' id='' version='8.5.5005.20150220_0158' features=',core.feature,ejbdeploy,embeddablecontainer,samples,thinclient'/>
    <!-- IBM® Cognos Business Intelligence 64 bit -->
    <offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5' id='' version='' features=''/>


For the record, I am using IIM 1.8.2, but this feature was introduced in 1.7 a while back, as per this:


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"","label":""},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

