IBM Support

Troubleshooting the Maximo and Cognos Integration - Part 1: Log Files

Technical Blog Post


Troubleshooting the Maximo and Cognos Integration - Part 1: Log Files


Since the 7.1 release when Maximo began integrating with Cognos, I've resolved several PMRs. Many of these were similar issues, but one of the primary concerns was locating relevant error messages and which log files to locate those errors in.

For 'Part 1' of this blog, I will cover the common log files that should be reviewed when investigating issues with the Maximo/Cognos integration and submitting PMRs to Support.

Cognos Log File Locations:

The Cognos log files that will need to be checked when investigating issues with the Cognos/Maximo integration are located in the following directories:

Install Logs - <cognos_install>\instlogs
Application/Server Logs - <cognos_install>\logs

Cognos Install Logs:

The installation wizard creates two log files: the transfer log and the transfer summary-error log. The log file names include the product name, version, build number, and timestamp. See examples below:

The Transfer Log File - tl-CRNSRVR-8.4-102.18-20120201_1152.txt
The Transfer Summary-Error Log File - tl-CRNSRVR-8.4-102.18-20120201_1152_summary_error.txt

Cognos Application/Server Files + Logs:

The Startup Configuration File - cogstartup.xml (Backup: cogstartup_20120201150313.xml)

This file records the configuration choices each time you save your property settings in IBM Cognos Configuration tool.  If you are unable to save your configuration or have issues with the current file, you can revert to the backup. This file is located in the <cognos_install>\configuration directory. The following is an example of the file name format for backup configuration files:

The Startup Configuration Lock File - cogstartup.lock

This file is created when you open the IBM Cognos Configuration tool. It prevents you from opening more than one instance of the tool. If you experience problems opening IBM Cognos Configuration, you can check the <cognos_install>\configuration directory for the cogstartup.lock file. If the file exists and IBM Cognos Configuration is not open, then IBM Cognos Configuration did not shut down properly. Delete the lock file and re-open IBM Cognos Configuration.

The Locale Configuration File - coglocale.xml

This file records the configuration choices made in IBM Cognos Configuration for product and content locales. If you experience problems with language support in the user interface or in reports, use this file to track the changes.

Cognos Run-Time Log File - cogserver.log

The default IBM Cognos log file named cogserver.log file, records information after starting the IBM Cognos 8 service. If you configured another destination for log messages, check the appropriate file or database.

The Gateway Log File - gwcgi.log

The gateways record errors in the gateway log. This log can be used to troubleshoot problems that prevent the gateway from processing requests or using encryption. Symptoms of these problems are user IDs and passwords do not work, single signon does not work, and the dispatcher is running but users receive the following error message: The IBM Cognos BI server is not available.

The Derby Log File - derby.log

If using the IBM Content Database (instance of an Apache Derby Database), any errors relative to this will be displayed in the derby.log file. For example, if the database fails to start.

In addition to the common log files listed above, there are several others within the <cognos_install>\logs directory (pogo, cbs_init, cbs_isrunning, etc). When submitting a PMR to Support for a Maximo/Cognos integration related issue, it is recommended to ZIP the entire logs folder and attach it to the PMR.

Maximo Application Files + Logs:

IBM Websphere Application Server Log File - SystemOut.log

BEA Weblogic Application Server Log File – maximo.log and/or adminserver.log

The majority of errors received in the Maximo UI when performing Cognos related tasks (running Cognos reports, publishing ROS to Cognos Server, testing Cognos DB connection, etc) will also be displayed in this log.

MXCSP Log File - JDBC.log

Additionally, the MXCSP log called JDBC.log can be configured to capture additional errors. To further troubleshoot the integration between Maximo and Cognos, follow the steps below to initiate additional logging features:

1) Create a temp directory under your C:\ drive and then, create a subfolder beneath it to resemble the example below:

2) Shut down Cognos.

3) Navigate to the location of the MSCSP jar file on Cognos: CAM_AAA_MXCSP.jar

4) Open up the jar file using an extraction tool (ie. 7-Zip), then double-click the file

5) Change the first 2 lines of the properties file by modifying the location of the # sign to what is shown below:
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, A1, A2

6) Save the change, close the file. Restart Cognos.

7) Reproduce the problem. Either by running a report directly from Cognos - or by accessing Cognos from the Report Administration application within Maximo. A detailed log file called JDBC.log will be available under your newly created directory of C:\temp\log



Part 2 (and potentially Part 3) of this blog will cover frequently seen error messages, common configuration mistakes, and further troubleshooting. If you have additional tips or suggestions in regards to logging and log files through your experience(s) with integrating Maximo and Cognos, please comment below.

Until next time...

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

