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Maximo Upgrade Tips: Be careful with the applheapsz DB2 parameter before upgrading to Maximo 7.5.x versions

Technical Blog Post


Maximo Upgrade Tips: Be careful with the applheapsz DB2 parameter before upgrading to Maximo 7.5.x versions


Hi All.

Today I am going to provide a workaround to avoid a common error that I usually face when testing Maximo Upgrade scenarios on DB2 databases. If you missed my previous "Maximo Upgrade Tips" entries, check them through this link.

One of the common errors that can happen during an upgrade of Maximo Base Services from versions 7.1.x to 7.5.x on DB2 databases is related with the application heap size configuration parameter of the database - applheapsz, usually set by default as 1024 or 2048 depending of what where your Maximo start point version before starting the upgrade process.

The error message that is reported during the second execution of the Maximo 7.5.0.x installer to perform the updatedb (for instructions in how to perform the upgrade process check this link and to check the minimum requirements to upgrade check this link) is reproduced below:

[runUpdateDB] Error running file: V7500_69
[runUpdateDB] Script Update complete: Error
[runUpdateDB] Updatedb process ends: ERROR
[runUpdateDB] Please check the log file.
[runUpdateDB] java.lang.Exception: DATABASE Script UPDATE COMPLETED WITH ERROR. CHECK ERRORS IN UPDATE LOG FILE -Updatedb20141030100706.log
[runUpdateDB] An error occurred during implicit system action type "3". Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-954", SQLSTATE "57011" and message tokens "".. SQLCODE=-727, SQLSTATE=56098, DRIVER=4.11.69
[runUpdateDB]     at Source)
[runUpdateDB]     at Source)
[runUpdateDB]     at Source)
[runUpdateDB]     at Source)
[runUpdateDB]     at Source)

[runUpdateDB] Result: 1
alter table contract alter column rowstamp set data type bigint

-- Product: Tivoli's process automation engine
-- Error running file: V7500_69
-- UPDATEDBFILE:V7500_69.class
-- Script: Error

java.lang.Exception: An error occurred during implicit system action type "3". Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-954", SQLSTATE "57011" and message tokens "".. SQLCODE=-727, SQLSTATE=56098, DRIVER=4.11.69

    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)

java.lang.Exception: DATABASE Script UPDATE COMPLETED WITH ERROR. CHECK ERRORS IN UPDATE LOG FILE -Updatedb20141030100706.log
An error occurred during implicit system action type "3". Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE "-954", SQLSTATE "57011" and message tokens "".. SQLCODE=-727, SQLSTATE=56098, DRIVER=4.11.69
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)


In order to prevent this error to happen, before the second execution of the 7.5.0.x installer where the updatedb will be performed  you have to increase the size of the applheapsz parameter in the Maximo database. To do that, using a command window, execute the following commands:

- db2cmd db2 connect to <DB_ALIAS> [ENTER], where <DB_ALIAS> is the name of your Maximo DB2 database


In the window that will open:

- db2 update db cfg using applheapsz 8192 [ENTER]

- db2 connect reset [ENTER]



Close the window, but connect again, now, in order to check if the parameter was updated correctly:

- db2cmd db2 connect to <DB_ALIAS> [ENTER], where <DB_ALIAS> is the name of your Maximo DB2 database

- db2 get db cfg [ENTER]

- check in the results if the applheapsz parameter is now set to 8192

- close the window


At this point, you can perform the second execution of the 7.5.0.x to perform the updatedb and not getting the error mentioned.

And remember: The best approach before trying the definitive upgrade of your production database is to try it first in a virtual machine that can reproduce your production environment as well as using a copy of your production database. This way you can learn the problems that you can face during the process and how to fix them earlier, so you do not face them, or have a quick way to fix them, when executing the upgrade of the production db. For all the information necessary read carefully the Maximo Upgrade Guides available through this link.

Until the next tip ;)


Jean Carlos

IBM Maximo Upgrade Test Software Engineer (QA)

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

