IBM Support

Maximo Calibration - Setting up Loop Calibrations

Technical Blog Post


Maximo Calibration - Setting up Loop Calibrations


Loop Calibrations

 What is a loop calibration?

  • A loop calibration is a set of instruments that are grouped and calibrated together. The input and output of the whole group determines the pass or fail status of the calibration.
  • This solution allows for an instrument to belong to one calibration loop at a time.

 Use case

  • A set of instruments in one area that work together and are calibrated collectively in order to establish the pass or fail status of that one work area.
Business Value
  • The loop calibration, and all associated instruments (assets) that are part of that loop, are defined.
  • If an instrument that is part of the loop is swapped/moved, the history is kept.
  • Traceability and calibration history of the loop is displayed.

Setup Steps

  1.  Locations application: Create a Loop Location
  2. Assets application: Create Assets (instruments) and associate them to the Loop Location
  3.  Job Plans application:
    1. Work Asset section is defined as the Loop location
    2. Data Sheet section:
      1. Associate the Loop Data Sheet to the Loop Location
      2. Add corresponding Data Sheets for each Asset in the Loop (in case of failures). Additionally, a specific calibration for an asset in the loop is required.
      3. Define the sequence on how the Multiple Data Sheets for each Asset will appear on the Work Order Data Sheet tab
      4. Associate the corresponding Assets to the Data Sheet
  4. Work Order Tracking application:
    1. Data Sheets are associated to the Loop Location on the Data Sheet tab.
    2. Data Sheets are sorted based on sequence number defined in Job Plans.
    3. First Data Sheet is required all other Data Sheets are optional.
      1. Required Data Sheets - all As Found/ As Left Data must be filled in.
      2. Optional Data Sheets - As Found/As Left Data does not need to be filled in. However once data is entered onto an Optional Data Sheet it becomes Required
  5. Complete and Close the Calibration Work Order. Then view the Calibration History for the loop or for each asset in the View Calibration History option in the Asset and Location applications

For more information about loop calibrations, see the information center:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

