IBM Support

Maximo ACM and Component Life Accounting

Technical Blog Post


Maximo ACM and Component Life Accounting


One of the key features of Maximo Asset Configuration Manager (ACM) is its ability to dynamically calculate the life (meter totals) of any asset.

Meter values can be derived and viewed for any point in time in the history of the assets life cycle. This "active life cycle accounting" provides improved compliance for regulated industries, while helping to increase reliability and accountability.

The calculation itself incorporates the configuration history of an asset. Ie where it has been installed and between what dates and is derived from the meter readings entered against the assets directly and any at a higher level within the asset hierarchy (for the dates in which the asset was installed).

What this means is that meter readings can be entered against any asset within a complex configuration managed structure and these readings will be automatically "inherited" by all sub assembly assets depending on the configuration history.

The dynamic nature of this calculation means that any historical changes to the configuration of an asset or entry of historical meter readings will be immediately reflected on the asset and considered by associated maintenance plans.

Let's take an example of an aircraft and its landing gear where the maintenance plan against the landing gear is driven by flight hours.



In Fig 1. we can see an initial count of 4500 flight hours recorded against the aircraft. The "Since" value shows that a further 24 hours have been recorded giving a total of 4524 flight hours.

Fig 2. shows the meter readings that were entered to give the 24 hours (8+4+5+7).

Fig 3. gives a summary of the meter readings entered against the asset (Direct) and the initial reading.

If we look at the same information for the landing gear asset installed into this aircraft:


In Fig 4. we can see an initial count of 315 flight hours on the landing gear and a since value of 30 hours.

Fig 5. gives the summary of the meter readings. This time we see the initial count but also an "Indirect" reading of 30 and a direct total of 0 (no meter readings were entered directly against the landing gear asset.

This indirect value is the total of all flight hours inherited by the landing gear asset. Where did this value of 30 indirect flight hours come from though given only 24 hours were recorded against the aircraft?

This value was calculated based on the configuration history of the landing gear asset:



On the "Parent History" tab in Fig 6. we can see that the landing gear asset was installed on another aircraft between 4th April 2013 and the 5th May 2013 before being installed back into the aircraft we are considering. During its time on this other aircraft it clocked up 10 flight hours.

Also because it was installed elsewhere the 4 flight hours recorded on the 6th April 2013 against aircraft 1 were not considered as part of the landing gear assets total number of flight hours.

This gives an indirect total of: 5 + 7 + 8 +10 = 30 Flight Hours!

These calculated meter values also drive the maintenance plans on the ACM managed assets:



The due count is the number of flight hours at which this PM will become due and is given by adding the Active Count and the PM Meter frequency (50 hours).

The Active Count is the calculated meter total at the Active Date so in our example on the 5th May at 10:29 AM the total number of flight hours accumulated by the landing gear was 337 hours.

8 hours have been recorded since that date and so 42 hours are left before the PM is due!

I hope this example has given you added insight into the way ACM deals with complex assets their configuration history and they way this drives preventive maintenance!


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

