IBM Support

IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Maximo

Technical Blog Post


IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Maximo


As part of the IBM Solution Health Initiative, customers with licenses for any of the TPAE products like Maximo, CCMDB and TSRM are entitled to download a suite of tools from IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) to help monitor the health of the system.


If you are on version or higher in the 7.x stream follow this link to view the instructions and download the software:


ITM Agent for Maximo 7.1.1


About IBM Tivoli Monitoring


Tivoli Monitoring is a product that is independent of Maximo Asset Management. However, by using Tivoli Monitoring and the Monitoring Agent for Maximo, you can monitor aspects of your Maximo infrastructure and applications. The aspects that you can monitor include server memory statistics, cron tasks, user connections, database connections, installed products and licenses, cron tasks, and other system information.


Install Considerations



Only support IDs with an associated entitlement to a TPAE based product can download the software. IBMers and some partners will get an entitlement error if you try to download the software from this site. If you are a customer and get an entitlement error, you need to check your ID. Unfortunately, IBM Support does not have access to view or change the products associated with online accounts.






The software that you download from this site is exactly the same as what you would get if you purchased it from a sales representative. If you try to install and configure every component it may be overwhelming. We suggest staring with the default configuration and customizing it and adding functionality over time. If you think you have a problem with long running database queries, start with monitoring the database. If you have hanging processes on the application server you can start with monitoring that.






The Maximo Agent only has a Windows installer. It installs on the server where ITM is so the ITM server must be Windows. It can monitor Maximo and other applications on other operating systems but it can not be installed on a Unix version of ITM. We do have an enhancement request in the queue for a Unix installer for the Maximo Agent but it is not yet committed to a plan.


When you install the agent you need to make sure that you have a few key configurations correct:


  • In the Agent Configuration panel you need to specify the location of Java. This may or may not be related to where Maximo is installed. Spaces are also not supported in the name so


    • c: Files\Java60 – not supported


    • c:\Progra~1\Java60 – supported


  • If you use LDAP you need to update a section in the deployment descriptor (mboweb/web.xml file). Search for ‘MAXIMO MOSWOS’ to find the appropriate section to update.



  • If you do need to enter a PMR related to this monitoring agent, you will be asked to provide the logs for the agent. The file will be called ‘moswos_agent1.log’ and can be found in the following location <ITM_HOME>\TMAITM6\logs\maximo






The Maximo agent pre-req’s version 6.2.5 or or higher in their respective streams. Changes were made to the Maximo APIs that the agent uses to connect so if you try to use the agent with a previous version the Agent UI will either show errors or no data. You are entitled to use the database, app server and OS monitoring tools even if you have a prior version of Maximo or another TPAE based product.






               LDAP and Secure LDAP are supported but need additional configuration


               The deployment descriptor (mboweb/web.xml) file needs to be edited


License considerations


You can use this feature pack only in accordance with the terms of the license, and only to monitor your Maximo/TPAE-based product infrastructure and applications. If you want to use the feature pack for additional purposes, you must obtain an additional license.





[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

