IBM Support

When is it best to apply a Customer Agreement to a Work Order in Maximo for Service Providers?

Technical Blog Post


When is it best to apply a Customer Agreement to a Work Order in Maximo for Service Providers?








When is it best to apply a Customer Agreement to a Work Order using Maximo for Service Providers?   Looking at the lifecycle of Work Orders when is it optimal to benefit from a Customer Agreement.


Detailed Description

The best time is when the WO is created and all the information required is available and completed, the customer agreement should be applied then.

Applying a Customer Agreement to a CLOSED work order fails with error:

BMXAA0031E - The WORKORDER object is read only. Verify the business rules for the MBO or MBOSET object. More information

The error is generated if the WO is already closed.   This was possible in Maximo 7.1 and earlier versions.  As Maximo components got standardised, once WO is Closed, they are no longer in use for updates. 


For example:

Go to Work Order (SP) -> find one

Apply Customer Agreement


NOTE: Customer Agreements cannot be applied to Work Orders that are in CLOSE status as error occurs.

BMXAA0031E - The WORKORDER object is read only. Verify the business rules for the MBO or MBOSET object. More information


Is the Customer PO Required? tick box related to the Agreement:

Customer PO number

Information field, typically as a Service Provider when a customer calls and asks for a service , they might have a PO from their internal system, and this is the cross reference. 

When you bill them, then you can match their PO number .

There are no business rules applied to this field.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

