IBM Support

Software Catalog access in APPLICATIONAUTH table

Technical Blog Post


Software Catalog access in APPLICATIONAUTH table


And then you are working with your Maximo environment database, and decide to run the following query in the database : 
SELECT count(distinct(maxuser.userid)) user_count,, maxapps.description,  ml.module, ml.description module_description 
FROM applicationauth 
INNER JOIN maxmenu ON 
INNER JOIN groupuser ON applicationauth.groupname=groupuser.groupname 
INNER JOIN maxuser ON groupuser.userid=maxuser.userid 
INNER JOIN maxapps ON 
INNER JOIN maxmodules ml ON maxmenu.moduleapp=ml.module 
WHERE   maxuser.status='ACTIVE' AND  maxmenu.menutype='MODULE' AND (applicationauth.optionname='INSERT') 
GROUP BY,  ml.module, ml.description, maxapps.description 
ORDER BY count(distinct(maxuser.userid)) DESC 
This results in some lines and one of them is related to the TLOAMSWCTG, which corresponds to the Software Catalog application.
The App: TLOAMSWCTG ‘Software Catalog’ is an application available in the Control Desk solution 
The MAXEVERYONE group is configured with ALL access to the Software Catalog application. 


You may find this strange, because the Control Desk Solution is not installed in your Maximo environment. 
Also, when you go to Security Groups application and select the MAXEVERYONE,  the Application ‘Software Catalog’ is not available in the overview of available applications. 
I would expect that you would never have access to the application unless you have purchased the software and run the installer. 
Why are these settings required in the APPLICATIONAUTH table?


These are automatically set during the installation, but you have no idea why does the EVERYONE Group in Maximo have all access to the 'Software 
Catalog' application, as per APPLICATIONAUTH table. (Even though the software is not purchased and installed on the clients system.)


The answer for that is that you have applicationauth permissions granted to the Software Catalog app, but since you do not have the license for it, you do not have the access to this app. Development team mentioned this case is not bug in the Maximo product. Since the usage of the app is within the realms of the product license.


These grants can be dropped if a customer hasn't bought the license for the Software Catalog app, and is not going to use it.


The grants exist because this code lives in TPAE (the Maximo Framework) , hence that's where the grants are added , but as you can see, even with the added grants, it still waits for the license to be fully enabled. 



[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

