IBM Support

Script to help determine License compliance for Maximo Asset Management 7.6.Industry Solutions

Technical Blog Post


Script to help determine License compliance for Maximo Asset Management 7.6.Industry Solutions


License compliance for the Maximo product can be a confusing topic, especially when you include Industry Solutions and any other add on applications.  The document at the link below discusses monitoring usage of software licenses using the License Usage Monitor application.

This information, however,  may be available for some Industry Solutions and add-ons but not for all.

The attached script will return active users with insert, save, read and delete access to industry solutions and any add on applications.
Please know that In providing this script, IBM does not relieve you of any responsibility for your compliance, it is simply to steer you in
the right direction.

select  mu.userid
,mu.status USER_STATUS
,mp.status PERSON_STATUS
,mg.description group_description
,ma.description app_description
,mm.moduleapp Module
,mmod.description mod_description
from maximo.maxuser mu
     inner join maximo.person mp on (mp.personid = mu.personid)
     inner join maximo.groupuser gu on (gu.userid = mu.userid)
     inner join maximo.maxgroup mg on (mg.groupname = gu.groupname)
     inner join maximo.applicationauth aa on (aa.groupname = gu.groupname)
     inner join maximo.maxapps ma on ( =
left outer join maximo.maxmenu mm on (mm.keyvalue = and mm.menutype = 'MODULE')
left outer join maximo.maxmodules mmod on (mmod.module = mm.moduleapp)
     where mu.status = 'ACTIVE'
     and aa.optionname in ('SAVE','INSERT','DELETE','UPDATE')
     and mm.elementtype = 'APP'                
     and mm.menutype='MODULE'
     and ( like'PLUS%'
     or like 'SCHED%')
order by personid


I hope you find this helpful.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

