IBM Support

From the Maximo Support Desk - Guide to Using the Report Downtime Action on Asset Records

Technical Blog Post


From the Maximo Support Desk - Guide to Using the Report Downtime Action on Asset records


Here is a usage guideline for reporting Asset downtime in the Maximo Assets application via the Report Downtime action.

The intended usage of the Report Downtime function is outlined in the following statements and examples. The inclusion of this functionality in Maximo is to enhance the accuracy and usefulness of asset downtime reporting, and to provide the best possible cost analysis, auditing, and decision-making criteria. The points indicated below are all integral to these results, and are based on observations of actual client environments.


1. Create a Single Work Order for Each Single Instance of Downtime or Stoppage:
When an Asset is found to be broken, or otherwise in need of service, it is expected that a Work Order will be created in Maximo and subsequently placed in Approved status. The necessary labor, services, materials and tools are recorded on the Actuals tab. When all of the above is complete, and the Asset is returned to service, the Work Order status should be changed to Complete. Additionally, the downtime of the asset is recorded via Select Action | Report Downtime. When there is no longer a need to view the Work Order to record additional costs or activity, the Work Order status should be changed to Close.

If the same asset becomes broken again, anytime after the above work has been complete, and after it was returned to service, a new Work Order should get created and the same procedures should be followed. It would not be accurate, nor can an accurate assessment of the asset performance, cost of operation, or reliability be made. Additionally, correct safety and industry-specific auditing becomes compromised when this process is not followed.

If the same Work Order is kept open through multiple occasions of breakdown, and this same Work Order is kept open to continually report downtime for the same Asset, then the observation can be made that this asset has only broken down once, since it has only generated one Work Order. This could potentially result in an unreliable and unsafe asset, that is continually causing expenses through materials and labor cost, will be left in operation.

Note: (on the Report Downtime Dialog):
-On an Approved Work Order, with an Asset associated, downtime can be reported.

2. Start Date:
a. This can be defaulted to either the Reported Date or Actual Start Date of the Work Order, or it can be defaulted to none.
b. This value cannot be in the future (it can be set to be a time prior to the Work Order

3. End Date :
a. This cannot be in the future
b. This cannot be prior to the Start Date

4. Multiple records and instances of downtime can be reported for the same Asset on the same Work Order but none of the records can have overlapping time periods.

No downtime record can be entered that has a Start Time that is earlier than another record’s End Time; conversely, no End Time can be entered that is greater than the Start Time of an existing record)

5. The downtime history can be viewed from the Asset record via Select Action | View Asset Downtime History

Tom Richardson is an IBM Maximo Support Engineer and frequent contributor to the Asset Management Blog community.  For a complete index of links to his articles, visit

Index of articles by Tom Richardson, Support Engineer

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