IBM Support

Edit Mode functionality when browser's cookies are cleared.

Technical Blog Post


Edit Mode functionality when browser's cookies are cleared.


Locking records functionality (Edit Mode) introduced in Maximo 7.6 causes some behavior that could pass as "issues" when browser's session is terminated, just to demo or "simulate" browser's or workstation's crash.

Consider this step-by-step :

1. Enable Edit Mode for SR application, for example.
2. Go to Service Requests application and create SR ticket.
3. Clear cookies in your browser.
4. Re-login and enter the same SR you created in step 2.
5. Edit icon is disabled and there is no way to edit SR.

When you try to use Release feature, which is supposed to release locked record, it does not work for, even when using MAXADMIN user. 

Following error appears:

BMXAA8973E - Your credentials do not have rights to edit this document
(SR : Class=SR Service Request=SR17906). Turn on edit mode, or contact
your administrator to continue.

Well, as for clearing cookies, there is no business case, some users clear the cookies just for the sake of the demo, to *simulate* browser's or workstation's crash.

Alternatively, you may simulate this crash on a local stand alone TEST environment by:

1) Hard resetting of your work station
2) Terminating your browser's process(es)
3) Clearing the cookies

Last one is the most gentle way.

This way, the session on server stays, because Maximo is not aware, that something went wrong on the user's side. 

Maximo "thinks" that user is still active. Maximo waits for another 30 minutes (default session time out) to terminate the session.

We inform users of edit mode to logout, and if they close their browser without unlocking the record, that's why we have the Record Release application to allow removal of the lock.

IBM Maximo Support does not support clearing the session while you have a record in edit mode and expecting to be allowed to come back in and edit it.

In this case, we recommend that no browser's cookies are cleared while Maximo is open and active.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

