IBM Support

Default setting for the "E-mail Password to User?" checkbox

Technical Blog Post


Default setting for the "E-mail Password to User?" checkbox


In the Users application the screen below will appear when you click on the "Set Password" button.  This is used when setting up a new user or changing the password of an existing user.  Some users would like the  "E-mail Password to User?" checkbox to not be checked by default to avoid accidentally sending unencrypted email messages containing passwords. 



Currently the "E-mail Password to User?" check box is hard coded to
always be true. There is an enhancement request entered to set the check
box to always be false or user selectable, but this is not currently
As a work around, if you don't want these passwords to ever be sent in
the email, then the email password template can be modified to exclude the new password.
Please see the details below on how to change the password reset template.
1. Open the 'Communication Templates' application
2. Search for 'PWRESET' (Template for e-mailing reset password)
3. Modify the message as needed making sure that the '{0}' variable is
Default pwreset message:
Enclosed is your new Maximo password. {0} To log in and change your
password, follow this link: http://{1}/maximo/ui/maximo
Change the message to something like this:
Your password has been changed. Please follow this link to login:

The key is to not include the [0] parameter as it contains the new password.  With the template modified like this then even if you forget to uncheck the "E-mail Password to User?" check box the password will not be sent by email to the user.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

