IBM Support

Command line Utilities for creating and maintaining business applications in TADDM

Technical Blog Post


Command line Utilities for creating and maintaining business applications in TADDM


Do NOT Use Any of the tools below on TADDM 7.3+

The functionality of mqldel.jy is built-in to in TADDM 7.3 and later. The other tools for creating and modifying Business Applications won't work in 7.3 due to the simplified model.


TADDM's grouping composer is a fantastic addition to TADDM, but it is lacking in a few key areas.

1) Can't create an empty business application from the command line (from a spreadsheet, etc.)

2) Can't clone an existing business application including its rules (also works for rename)

3) Can't do a wholesale delete of components matching an MQL rules (this one is quite handy for even non business app components)

I've written several tools to solve the problems above. Download the zip file containing the utilities from here and extract them into $COLLATION_HOME/support/bin on your TADDM server(s).

createBA.jy - creates an empty business application. Invoke with a TADDM username and password followed by the business application to create:

$ ./createBA.jy administrator collation "Data Warehouse - Production"


cpBA.jy - copies one business application to another business application including the rules. Invoke with a TADDM username and password followed by the name of the source business application followed by the destination business application:

$ ./cpBA.jy administrator collation "Data Warehouse - Production" "Data Warehouse - Development"


mqldel.jy - deletes components from TADDM which are specified as MQL. Invoke with a TADDMusername and password followed by the MQL statement to process. Any guids returned by the MQL statement will be deleted!"

$ ./mqldel.jy administrator collation "select displayName from AppServer where objectType starts-with 'Sieble' and lastModifiedTime < $fivedaysago"

Note: In the above mqldel example, you will need calculate the date represented by "fivedaysago". You can search for another set of utilities I have written called UnixDate2Long.jy and long2UnixDate.jy which can be used to calculate it.





[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSPLFC","label":"Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

