IBM Support

How to Create a B2B Node Down Rule for SI.

Technical Blog Post


How to Create a B2B Node Down Rule for SI.


This is a Linked Rule that says if the SI NODE goes down “DO NOT” Notify me unless the NODE is down for more than 5 minutes.

But if the NODE is down for longer than 5 minutes send an Alert.

From the Console Go to Manage>Rules/Actions and select Rules

Select the Plus + button to create

Name the Rule - I used NODE Down

Enable the Rule

Select NEXT

Select MSGID as the KEY

Select EQUALS as the Operator

Select Value CGIS013I

Select NEXT

Do Not use a Schedule.

Select NEXT

Select No Operation for the Alert

You will not need an Alert because the Linked Rule will have the Action.

Select Next

Select the Linked Rule box and use these Values. Note on the "Value" you can select the 3 dots to find the MSGID.

Select Value CGIS014I   

On the Linked Rule select the box with 3 dots and use this MSGID.

Resolution Action - Alert0

Non-Reolution Action - Alert1

Timeout 5 Minutes

Select Next

Confirm your Choices.

Select Finish.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS4PJT","label":"IBM Sterling Connect:Direct"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

