IBM Support

Working with Sterling B2B Integrator Webdav (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) server using Microsoft Windows 7 Client

Technical Blog Post


Working with Sterling B2B Integrator Webdav (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) server using Microsoft Windows 7 Client


Author: Manisha Khond, IBM Cognitive Engagement, Watson Supply Chain.


Microsoft Windows 7 Webdav client works with Browsing/Getting the messages on the Sterling B2B Integrator mailbox. However, you will have issues copying a message to Sterling B2B Integrator mailbox using Microsoft Windows7 Webdav client.

The reason for copy failure is that Sterling B2B Integrator Webdav server does not support PROPPATCH, LOCK, UNLOCK commands that are passed by Microsoft Windows 7 client during copy of a file to mailbox.

Sterling B2B Integrator Webdav server at this time does not support COPY, LOCK, MKCOL, MOVE, PROPATCH, and UNLOCK commands.


You would see the messages in webdav.log for the failure like

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] ALL <btpool4-6> PROPPATCH /WebDAV/WSMQ.xml

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> https://server1:52076/webdav/WebDAV/WSMQ.xml

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> webdav2 user = admin

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Connection: Keep-Alive

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> User-Agent: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Host: server1:52076

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Cookie: JSESSIONID=1ra88p1o90pvt14othvk0jbcw5

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> translate: f

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Content-Length: 443

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Cache-Control: no-cache

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Pragma: no-cache

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

[2014-05-08 15:49:33.829] ALL <btpool4-6> Unsupported webdav method PROPPATCH

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] ALL <btpool4-6> PUT /WebDAV/new2.xml

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> https://server1:52076/webdav/WebDAV/new2.xml

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> webdav2 user = admin

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Connection: Keep-Alive

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> User-Agent: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> translate: f

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Content-Length: 0

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Host: server1:52076

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Cookie: JSESSIONID=1ra88p1o90pvt14othvk0jbcw5

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.755] DEBUG <btpool4-6> PutMethod.impl

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.827] ALL <btpool4-6> 201 CREATED https://server1:52076/webdav/WebDAV/new2.xml

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] ALL <btpool4-6> LOCK /WebDAV/new2.xml

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> https://server1:52076/webdav/WebDAV/new2.xml

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> webdav2 user = admin

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Connection: Keep-Alive

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> User-Agent: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7601

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> translate: f

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Content-Length: 196

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Host: server1:52076

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Cookie: JSESSIONID=1ra88p1o90pvt14othvk0jbcw5

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Cache-Control: no-cache

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Pragma: no-cache

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] DEBUG <btpool4-6> Timeout: Second-3600

[2014-05-08 15:51:49.874] ALL <btpool4-6> Unsupported webdav method LOCK


Refer to for Webdav specifications.


Are you new to implement Sterling B2B Integrator Webdav server? Please refer to the Sterling B2B Integrator documentation.

Do you have further questions? Please post your questions as comments to the blog.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3JSW","label":"IBM Sterling B2B Integrator"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

