IBM Support

Working with Chained Digital Certificates in Windows

Technical Blog Post


Working with Chained Digital Certificates in Windows


It's inevitable - a digital certificate expires and you either acquire a new one for your organization or your trading partner sends you a new one. Certificates are also used in SSL secured protocols (FTPS, SFTP and HTTPS). Sometimes you don't even realize the certificate expired until transactions fail. That's when the panic sets in - you haven't dealt with this in a year or two and you don't remember the steps necessary to fix this. Typically the certificate you receive will have a *.cer file extension (if not, rename the file). Double click on the Certificate filename so that is displays follows:


This is a chained certificate which contains a root (1) , intermediate (2) and leaf (3) certificate. Select the Certificate Path tab and highlight the first (root) certificate  


Click on the Details tab then click the “Copy to File ...” button


Click Next >


Select the “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)” option then click Next >


Select a location and descriptive name for this certificate then click Next >


Select Finish


Then click OK


Return back to the Certification Path tab and highlight the next certificate and repeat the process to save off this certificate. then repeat this again for the final certificate the leaf or public certificate.


Repeat this again for the final certificate the leaf or public certificate. Next step, we'll check this into IBM Sterling B2B Integrator.

Next blog posting: Checking in a Trading Partner's Chained Certificate

NOTE: If you need to verify and or convert your certificates from p7b to an x.509 cer format refer to this blog posting: /support/pages/node/1120737

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3JSW","label":"IBM Sterling B2B Integrator"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

