IBM Support

How to manually delete a Sterling Filegateway partner?

Technical Blog Post


How to manually delete a Sterling Filegateway partner?


Sometimes when something goes wrong with a partner configuration in Sterling File Gateway (SFG), the partner configuration may become corrupted and you would get an error like the one below:

An unknown failure occurred while processing the current action. Please contact your System Administrator.

Or if you try to edit the partner afterwards, you might get:

Trading Partner TestPartner no longer exists.

Or when you enter the edit page the user account details is empty and cannot be changed.

This blog aims to explain how to manually remove the corrupted configuration from the system so that you can correctly recreate it again.

Note: This blog assumes that the SFG partner we are having problems with is called TestPartner.

Note2: You should always first attempt to delete the SFG partner using the SFG admin UI and only use the instructions below in case that fails.

Backup resources:

Let's make a backup of the trading partner resources involved first, so that we have a backup if required.

1. In the dashboard go to Deployment => Resource manager => Import/export
2. Choose to export data and on the page to select the resources, choose "Trading partner Data", "Accounts" and "Mailboxes".
3. On the page to select TP Objects, select "Contracts", "Packagings" and "Identities".
4. On the TP identity page select the TestPartner identity.
5. On the Contracts page, select anything related to TestPartner.
6. On the Packagings page, select the TestPartner packaging.
7. On the Accounts page, select Users.
8. On the Users page, select the user account related to TestPartner.
9. On the mailboxes page, select Mailbox metadata and Mailbox Virtual roots.
10. On the Mailbox Virtual Roots page, select the virtual root for TestPartner.
11. On the Mailbox Metadata page, filter by partner name and select all mailboxes for TestPartner.
12. Set the password and click finish to generate the export and download the export file from the link provided.

Database backup:

Since later on, we will need to remove the user account manually using SQL queries, it is advised to
make a backup of the database before applying this procedure or at least a backup of the database table YFS_USER.
Please contact your database administrator to perform the backup.

SFG Partner manual deletion:

Note: You should always try to delete the SFG partner from the SFG admin UI first,
         The steps below are to be used only when the deletion of the SFG partner is not possible via the UI.

Now, let's delete the configuration for this partner.

From Dashboard UI: Trading Partner > Setup > Advanced, perform the following actions:

1. Search and delete related Identities (This step should also delete the below, up to step 7, but please go through each to see if anything is left)
2. Search and delete related Transports
3. Search and delete related Document Exchange
4. Search and delete related  Delivery Channels
5. Search and delete related Packaging
6. Search and delete related Profiles

7. From Dashboard UI: Trading Partner > Contracts
   Search and delete related Contracts; there may be up to 4 contracts depending on the SFG partner configuration.

8. From Dashboard > Deployment > Mailboxes > Configuration, perform the following actions:

    Search and delete related Mailbox Configurations related to TestPartner.
   There should be at least three mailboxes: /TestPartner, /TestPartner/Archive and /TestPartner/Inbound

9. From Dashboard > Deployment > Mailboxes > Virtual Roots, perform the following actions:

    Search and delete related the Virtual Root linked to user TestPartner, this might have been deleted already during
   deletion of the mailbox on previous step, but double check.

10. From Dashboard > Accounts > User Accounts
     Search and delete related Accounts; TestPartner

11. Go to the dashboard: Operations > System > Support Tools > SQL Manager
     and run the following SQL:
     delete from YFS_USER where LOGINID='TestPartner'

     Note: The above query deletes the user account from the database directly, so please check with your DBA to make sure the SQL query you are using is correct or alternatively contact IBM Support for confirmation.
     It is also advised to make a backup of the YFS_USER database table before running the SQL query.

12. Go to the dashboard: Operations > System > Support Tools > SQL Manager
     and run the following SQL:

    delete from SCI_CODE_USR_XREF where USER_ID='TestPartner'

     Note: The above query deletes the user account reference from the database table SCI_CODE_USR_XREF, so please check with your DBA to make sure the SQL query you are using is correct or alternatively contact IBM Support for confirmation.
     It is also advised to make a backup of the SCI_CODE_USR_XREF database table before running the SQL query.

13. Search for the partner profile in the SFG UI and confirm that it has now been removed.

Once the steps above have been followed, you can go ahead and recreate your partner again via the SFG UI.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS3JSW","label":"IBM Sterling B2B Integrator"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

