IBM Support

Tech Tip: Mapping a Routine to the DB2 Fenced Process (db2fmp) that ran it

Technical Blog Post


Tech Tip: Mapping a Routine to the DB2 Fenced Process (db2fmp) that ran it


DB2 LUW provides the db2pd tool with two fmp options that when used in conjunction with each other can provide information which will identify the routine that was running in a particular db2fmp. The following technote documents a method to determine which db2fmp a routine ran in using the db2pd tool.


If a db2fmp entry is logged in the db2diag.log, the entry should contain the process ID (PID) and thread ID (TID). Below is a sample of a db2diag.log entry which identifies the db2fmp PID and TID.

2012-11-29- E6827859A655 LEVEL: Error

PID : 59900132  TID : 0                      PROC : db2fmp

Since the db2pd -fmp command described in the above technote returns the PID and TID as well as the routine name and time of the run, it is possible to use the information in the db2diag.log to map a routine to its db2fmp. Below is a sample of the output.

PID                     TID  RTNTIME                                     ROUTINESCHEMA    ROUTINENAME     

59900132          0    2012-11-29-  SYSPROC                    ADMIN_CMD       
So we can see from the above output that the db2fmp error occurred while running the routine SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

