IBM Support

Db2ckupgrade : DBT5534W is returned on some administrative routines

Technical Blog Post


Db2ckupgrade : DBT5534W is returned on some administrative routines



Problem :

When executing db2ckupgrade on DB2 10.5 or above, you might get a warning - DBT5534W, reporting a dependency/reference to a discontinued routine in current version :


DBT5534W  The db2ckupgrade command found a database object which has a
dependency on system built-in routines that are discontinued. Object
name: "". Object type: "". Discontinued routine upon which the
object depends: "".


For example :
DBT5534W  The db2ckupgrade command found a database object which has a
dependency on system built-in routines that are discontinued. Object
name: "SQLM1H02.
NULLID  ". Object type: "PACKAGE". Discontinued routine upon which the


Looking at the warning in example above, the DBT5534W here is received for an event monitor package.
Package SQLM1H02 is created from bindfile db2evmon.bnd, which is IBM internal.

You will see one or more of such warnings against all packages that are dependent on routines discontinued from v10.5 or any later db2 versions.


Solution :

Please drop the package mentioned in your DBT5534W message.


In the example, we will drop the package "SQLM1H02.NULLID" which depends on the administrative routine "SNAPSHOT_DATABASE" which does not exist anymore in V10.5.


Steps to drop the package (using example details) :

1> Connection to db is required :
db2 connect to <database_name>


2> Checked the existence of this package :
db2 "select pkgschema, pkgname from syscat.packages where pkgname like 'SQLM1H0%'"
3> Drop the package :
db2 drop package NULLID.SQLM1H02


4> Confirm if it is gone :
db2 "select pkgschema, pkgname from syscat.packages where pkgname like 'SQLM1H0%' "


5> Recycle db connection for the package drop to take effect.   
db2 connect reset


Reference link :
Some administrative routines are discontinued
In V10.5, packages for "db2evmon.bnd" is SQLM1K03, for all fixpacks. DB2 v10.5 Bind File and Package Name List



If the object can't be dropped because of some dependencies, check the following technotes :


"Warning DBT5534W during db2ckupgrade command"

"How to determine what database objects a SQL routine is dependent on"




[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

