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75 ways to demystify DB2: # 37: db2iupgrade fails with, ERROR: DBI1453E Invalid component name 10.5

Technical Blog Post


75 ways to demystify DB2: # 37: db2iupgrade fails with, ERROR: DBI1453E Invalid component name 10.5


When trying to upgrade a V9.7 instance to V10.5 instance, upgrade fails with the following message:
A minor error occurred during the execution.
For more information see the DB2 installation log at
DBI1264E  This program failed. Errors encountered during execution were
      written to the installation log file. Program name:
      db2iupgrade. Log file name: /tmp/db2iupgrade.log.30983.
Checking /tmp/db2iupgrade.log.30983 , we see:
Setting default global profile registry variables :.......Success
Initializing instance list :.......Success
ERROR: An error occurred while upgrading the instance "instedi". The return
value is "1". If the problem persists contact your technical service
ERROR: DBI1453E  Invalid component name 10.5
Specified component name is either incorrect or misspelled. If the
component name is correct, this component name might not be valid on
this operating system or platform.
User response:
Check to see if the component name is a valid DB2 component for the
current operating system or platform.
   Related information:
   Response file uninstall basics
Since the upgrade was done with -d option (debug), the trace file will be generated in /tmp 
Looking at: db2iupgrade.trc.30983
+ echo '## Entering: chk_migrpath 199'
## Entering: chk_migrpath 199
+ tee -a /tmp/db2iupgrade_local.log.19743
+ set -x
+ db2instver=199
+ '[' X199 = X105 ']'
+ case ${db2instver?} in
++ echo 199
++ sed 's/\(.$\)/.\1/'
+ version_from=19.9
++ echo 105
++ sed 's/\(.$\)/.\1/'
+ version_to=10.5
+ display_msg /opt/ibm/db2/V105fp5/msg/en_US.iso88591/ 453 'DBI1453E You are trying to upgrade an instance to version %s. Instance upgrade from version %s to current version is not supported.\n' 10.5 19.9
+ set -x
+ unset catname msgid deftmsg msgstr warnmsg infomsg
+ catname=/opt/ibm/db2/V105fp5/msg/en_US.iso88591/
+ msgid=453
+ deftmsg='DBI1453E You are trying to upgrade an instance to version %s. Instance upgrade from version %s to current version is not supported.\n'
+ warnmsg=1
+ infomsg=1
+ echo DBI1453E You are trying to upgrade an instance to version %s. Instance upgrade from version %s to current version is not 'supported.\n'
+ grep DBI....W
+ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
+ echo DBI1453E You are trying to upgrade an instance to version %s. Instance upgrade from version %s to current version is not 'supported.\n'
+ grep DBI....I
+ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
+ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
+ '[' 1 -eq 1 -a 1 -eq 1 ']'
++ expr 0 + 1
+ shift
+ shift
+ shift
+ disp_msg_file=/opt/ibm/db2/V105fp5/instance/disp_msg
+ '[' '!' -f /opt/ibm/db2/V105fp5/instance/disp_msg ']'
+ /opt/ibm/db2/V105fp5/instance/disp_msg 1 453 /opt/ibm/db2/V105fp5/msg/en_US.iso88591/ 'DBI1453E You are trying to upgrade an instance to version %s. Instance upgrade from version %s to current version is not supported.\n' 10.5 19.9
+ tee -a /tmp/db2iupgrade_local.log.19743
Looking a bit more deeper, we can find the following:
+ echo '## Exiting: find_homedir'
## Exiting: find_homedir
+ tee -a /tmp/db2iupgrade_local.log.19743
+ return 0
+ INSTUSE=/home/instedi/sqllib/.instuse
+ '[' X = Xdas ']'
+ '[' '!' -f /home/instedi/sqllib/.instuse ']'
++ /opt/ibm/db2/V105fp5/bin/db2fupdt -f /home/instedi/sqllib/.instuse -p BitWidth
+ rc=0
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ trax query_instuse_string
If we look at 'db2iutil' file:
3667 # This function queries the current .instuse to find a string
3668 query_instuse_string()
3669 {
3670     trac query_instuse_string $@
3671     set ${setopts?}
3673     INST2QUERY="$1"
3674     DB2FTN="$2"
3675     DEFAULT="$3"
3676     BYDAS="$4"
3678     CMD_DB2FUPDT=${DB2DIR?}/bin/db2fupdt
3679     find_homedir ${INST2QUERY?}
3680     INSTUSE=${USERHOME?}/sqllib/.instuse
3681     if [ "X${BYDAS?}" = "Xdas" ]; then
3682         INSTUSE=${USERHOME?}/das/ctrl/.instuse
3683     fi
3685     if [ ! -f ${INSTUSE?} ] && [ -f ${USERHOME?}/sqllib/ctrl/.instuse ]
3686     then
3687         db2_inst_ver=`${DB2DIR?}/bin/db2fupdt -f ${USERHOME?}/sqllib/ctrl/.instuse -p INSTVER`
3688         if [ ${db2_inst_ver?} -le ${DB2VER_V97?} ]
3689         then
3690             INSTUSE="${USERHOME?}/sqllib/ctrl/.instuse"
3691         fi
3692     fi
3694     INSTUSE_VALUE=`${CMD_DB2FUPDT?} -f ${INSTUSE?} -p ${DB2FTN?}`
3695     rc=$?
You need to trace through the function to understand this deeper. Above trace output, along with the 'db2iutil' code tells us the following:
When ever we do an instance update/upgrade, we check to the file called .instuse. On V9.7 or earlier release of DB2 the file is located at <instance home dir>/sqllib/ctrl/.instuse. But, from V10.1 onwards, the location has changed to <instance home dir>/sqllib/.instuse . 
Somehow, due to a corruption, or failure on a previous attempt of upgrade, we have the .instuse file in both locations for this V9.7 instance. 
[instedi@hobbits ctrl]$ ls -al /home/instedi/sqllib/ctrl/.instuse

-rw-r--r-- 1 instedi instedi 118 May 24 13:46 /home/instedi/sqllib/ctrl/.instuse

[instedi@hobbits ctrl]$ ls -al /home/instedi/sqllib/.instuse

-rw-r--r-- 1 root instedi 28 May 24 13:20 /home/instedi/sqllib/.instuse
This is the issue.
Given this is a V9.7 instance, we should remove the /home/instedi/sqllib/.instuse and re-try the upgrade process. Prior to removing, ensure that the content of the .instuse file under ~/sqllib/ctrl/ is good.
i.e : 
[instedi@hobbits ctrl]$ cat /home/instedi/sqllib/ctrl/.instuse

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

