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Webinar Series: Getting Started - An Introduction to Tagging

Technical Blog Post


Webinar Series: Getting Started - An Introduction to Tagging


A few blog posts ago, we mentioned "An Introduction to Tagging", part of our Getting Started webinar series. For those who didn't have the chance to sign up and watch that presentation live, we have the link for you to watch and listen to it. This presentation was given by Matthew Erstad, a Support Engineer in IBM DA, who is in the trenches daily with this stuff. Here's what you'll gain from watching this presentation:

  • What is a tag? It's a cute word people throw around but in the digital analytics universe it means something specific

  • What does a tag do? Discussion of the various types of IBM Digital Analytics tags. This is key for those new to the product and are looking for the best way to collect data accurately and effectively

  • Learn how tags relate to reporting. As analysts, you need to know what drives your reports and how to utilize them in the future.

  • Understand how to check your tagging. IBM Digital Analytics provides you a surefire way to verify if your tags are correct. Learn how to use this tool as well as understand what to look for to verify tags are correct.

Understanding tags and the practice of tagging is vital to creating an effective digital analytics environment regardless of the analytics product you are using.

Our webinar series have been very well received so we really encourage you to give this one a listen. Grab a friend, preferably your analyst and/or your front-end developer, some coffee, and your favorite note taking tool, and join us to get started in your journey to great tagging.

To watch and listen to the entire presentation click here: Getting Started: An Introduction to Tagging

PDF - Introduction to Tagging



-IBM Digital Analytics Team

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