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Webinar Series: Fundamentals of Digital Analytics: Getting Started

Technical Blog Post


Webinar Series: Fundamentals of Digital Analytics: Getting Started


Our webinar series titled "The Fundamentals of Digital Analytics" kicked off a few weeks ago and is the perfect start if you or your digital team needs insights on creating your own digital analytics organization and using the IBM Digital Analytics product. We kicked off the series with Part One: Getting Started. This is a great presentation on understanding how to review your business needs, choose key performance indicators (KPIs) that can fit your business and and how you can collect the data you need to feed into these KPIs. Here's a list of everything you're going to get from the presentation (without ruining it):

  • Assessing the ongoing health of your website: What are KPIs? What's the difference between actionable and reportable KPIs?
  • What changes on my site would force me to take action?
  • How do I choose goals for my site?
  • What do people talk about when they say conversions vs. engagement?
  • What is the term marketing attribution really man? How does the environment of the internet affect my site?
  • What are types of dashboards IBM Digital Analytics can give me?
  • How do we even get data to come into IBM Digital Analytics? What the heck is a page tag, or "tagging"? How do I make sure I set up my data collection right?
  • What are the most common metrics I need to look at? Do I need to understand them daily/weekly/monthly?
  • And more...

You might even be wondering what does IBM Digital Analytics look like? Here's a couple of screen shots from our presentation which shows some of the out of the box dashboards you get in IBM Digital Analytics:

1) Marketing Dashboard


2) Design Dashboard


You get the picture (no pun intended)? A lot of meaningful information to the novice that's never used any digital analytics software but needs to start, to the IBM Digital Analytics user who needs to start from the ground up again to make sure they really understand what it is they are trying to do.

Here's a link to the presentation: Fundamentals of Digital Analytics - Getting Started

You can also find this link at the "Connect With Our Experts" section in our New Digital Analytics page:!/wiki/W5d5c76e66242_4f86_80e4_12a9e0eefb4b/page/Digital%20Analytics

Take notes, have your digital analytics tool of choice up and ready, or sit back and learn a few things that can help you be more effective in your organization.



-IBM Digital Analytics Team

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