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Transform the ordinary into the EXTRAordinary at Amplify 2016

Technical Blog Post


Transform the ordinary into the EXTRAordinary at Amplify 2016



May marks the month for Amplify 2016 in beautiful Tampa Bay! Donata and I will be packing our bags and flying in from across the pond to attend as many sessions as possible and of course bring you all a sneak-peak of what the future of Digital Analytics has to hold in terms of customer journey data and pathing!

While Donata has already detailed the importance of customer journey data and how it is pivotal in shaping your digital marketing strategy (click hear to read the fantastic blog:, I wanted to share with you all the main reasons why I can't wait for Amplify 2016:

  1. "Great line-up": Being spoilt for choice with over 200 sessions (yikes!) across the four main streams (Marketing, eCommerce & Merchandising, Customer Analytics and Digital Experience). Hearing from the industry experts and our very own clients on how IBM's cognitive Commerce solutions have enabled them to keep ahead of their competition by delivering phenomenal customer experiences! What a fantastic way to share knowledge amongst the super-user community! Plus, none other than Kate Hudson is speaking at the opening general session!

  2. "Networking and socials": Having the opportunity to mingle with clients, colleagues, industry leaders and Kate Hudson of course - all under one roof is just too good to miss! The sharing of 'tried and tested ideas' along with the development of great business relationships is truly one of the reasons why I love conferences so much! The "special event" arranged for Tuesday evening also sounds interesting - looking forward to attending that!

  3. "Professional certification": All conference attendees are entitled to one free examination attempt at a Professional Certification exam from IBM Commerce. What a great reason to attend! Read all about this on the following link:

  4. "Digital Analytics showcased": Along with Donata and I who will be presenting on the Wednesday just before lunch (room 10, 11.15-12.15), Aubrey Rupp and Rob Hain - two of our trusty US based Product Managers will also be showcasing our new Digital Analytics UI on Wednesday morning (8.30-8.50am, Engagement Theatre 435, Solutions showcase) revealing how easy it is to transform your idea into action!

  5. "Be part of our story": Donata and I will be documenting our trip throughout (From our arrival to keynote sessions, all the way to socials/networking and Tampa happenings ) so that we can share the amplify experience with you all! So keep an eye out for an upcoming blog which will provide our key highlights, top takeaways and overall review of the event!

For those of you who have booked your tickets - I look forward to seeing you all at Amplify! Don't forget to come and say hello to Donata and myself at our presentation, during the networking segments or at the Smart Bar where we will be waiting to meet you all!

Besides you could feature in our upcoming Amplify story!

For those of you who haven't yet booked - it's not too late …register here:

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