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Top 5 Digital Analytics Resolutions

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Top 5 Digital Analytics Resolutions


It's that time of year, folks. The time where we take an inventory of our year and see what we've done, what we're proud of, what we're not and what we promise to get better about. Don't worry though, this post isn't going to make you, or me feel any worse about the holiday cheer we all enjoyed, but I hope they are five easy things for the novice or intermediate digital analyst to implement in their 2016 digital analytics reporting. To boot, I'm going to use some of the blogs we've done this year.

Here goes!

1) Standard SEO Reporting: If you haven't seen my post on how you can start tracking SEO with digital analytics, review this: SEO Reporting Using Digital Analytics.

2) Setup Alerts: Alerts a big factor in anomaly detection, site performance and goals. These are a great way to see if you have a tagging issue, or a new bot is increasing your page views. Check out my buddy Aidan's post: Red Alert, Red Alert!

3) Regular Checking of your Invalid Reporting: IBM Digital Analytics marketing reporting is some of the best in the industry, but sometimes we all have issues with marketing parameters. Using the invalid marketing reports, invalid site promotions report and invalid real estate report. These reports are created to help you see what might have not made it to your marketing reports. You can find them by going to the "Manage" section, then Marketing, and under this you can look at either report. Solve a lot of potential tracking issues by reviewing these reports and ensuring they are empty.

4) Conversion Event Setup: Your site changes throughout the year; you add new videos, forms, etc. to your site. Ensure each of them is set up with the necessary 1-step or 2-step conversion tagging. For more information, please visit our knowledge center to learn more about how to set up your conversion tagging: Conversion Event Tagging

5) Segmentation Setup: If you are new to digital analytics, understanding where your traffic is coming from and how those channels are converting for you are very important. From a 30,000-foot view we offer a marketing channels report and a search engines report to get you thinking about your segments. These two reports offer insights of your traffic and conversion between direct load, referral, natural search and campaigns. The search engines report provides you insight into what search engines are bearing you the most traffic and conversion. Both of these reports are just entry-level segments but are powerful in giving you insight into the good and bad entry points for visitors. In a future post based on the series "Driving Organizational Action" I'm developing, I'll be providing you a more in-depth look on segmentation, what questions you need to ask yourself, how to start setting it up and how to use it. For now, start out just understanding your best traffic generators and your conversion that follows it.

That's it, folks. Your Top 5 list of resolutions for digital analytics for 2016. It's been a fun year to start our new blog off and we want to thank our readers. We'll be posting more, and bringing in more guest analysts to talk all things digital analytics. Happy New Year to all of our readers and bloggers!

Happy Tracking,


-IBM Digital Analytics Team

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