IBM Support

Product Recommendations Using Websphere Commerce

Technical Blog Post


Product Recommendations Using Websphere Commerce


If you've been following our blog recently, my colleague, Scarlett, posted two terrific posts about IBM Recommendations using the REST API service or standard IBM Digital Analytics Image Requests. If you haven't read them yet and are a retailer, content provider, or have the creative juices flowing and have a knockout way of using IBM Recommendations in your less than traditional web entity, I suggest you read the two posts below:

  1. Thinking Outside the Site - Digital Recommendations Using a REST API
  2. Thinking Outside the Site Part 2 - Image Based Recommendations

Now that you are "learned", I pose this question to our Websphere Commerce customers that have integrated Digital Analytics:

" Do you want to take advantage of recommendations but aren't sure how to do it?"

Sounds like an informercial, I assure you it's not. You won't be able to cut a quarter in half, or onions with a slap, but in this short video created by Smarter Commerce Architect Bob Balfe, he'll show you the following:

  • Why items are currently served up in your IBM Recommendations setup
  • Which e-spots do your Recommendations cover
  • How zones are calculated in IBM Digital Analytics Recommendations
  • How to add new rules and edit current rules

I mentioned it already, but it's a video, and not a long-winded blog post (even not as long as this long-winded blog post).

Integrating IBM Digital Analytics and Product Recommendations with Websphere Commerce



-IBM Digital Analytics Team

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Product":{"code":"SSPG9M","label":"IBM Digital Analytics"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

