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Hidden Gems - The Forms Report

Technical Blog Post


Hidden Gems - The Forms Report



This is the first in a mini series of posts that I'll do on a few of those often neglected reports in IBM Digital Analytics that can really turn up some great insight for your business. On several recent occasions I've had the feedback from DA customers that they feel like they don't get all the potential value out of the system. If you fall into this category I hope that the next few blog posts will help turn that around for you.

The Forms report is a cunning little fellow that automatically tracks every form on your website by reading the form name and the form input fields from the HTML source code. It's located under Reports > Content > Forms.

If your developers have been kind enough to use a readable naming convention on your form names and input fields then you're in luck, but if they've used names like "form1" then you might have to delve into the form fields to work out what the form is doing or ask your developers.

Let's take an example and work through the top things to check with this report. One of the first things to check is what forms have a High Average Time and high number of unloads per Page View. The High Average Time metric will appear on the report by default but a calculated metric will be required for Unloads per Page View. To create this click on the Report Options located in the top right and select the Metrics tab. Click the button "Create a Calculated Metric" and follow the steps in the screenshot here.


On our report we can now see that the Address form has a very high percentage of Unloads / Page Views at 50%. By clicking into the Form Fields as highlighted we can get more specific data to locate the problem.


On the Form Fields "zipCode" immediately stands out in the Unload Field metric at 54%. This should immediately ring alarm bells and prompt further investigation with your developers and UX team.


So this is a great find, we know there's a problem with the zipCode but we're not exactly sure what the problem is. There are a few ways you can expand on this.

1.Use Element Tags to capture the form validation errors that are occurring client side. This is something your developers will have to add onto the page and it can provide amazing insights into the frequency of errors and the specific error messages users are encountering when trying to complete a form.

2.Ask us about IBM Tealeaf which is capable of picking up patterns of customer struggle without having to explicitly tag every form with Element tags. It's even capable of playing back the actual input that you user entered when the error occurred which is incredibly powerful.

And don't forget, as soon as you make any changes to your forms ensure you measure the impact! Try creating a TruePath report to compare the dropout on that page before and after your change.

Watch out for the next in this series where I'll walk through how to visualise your KPI targets with Import Metrics.



-IBM Digital Analytics Team

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