IBM Support

The Gist of IBM TRIRIGA GIS Functionality

Technical Blog Post


The Gist of IBM TRIRIGA GIS Functionality


Whether you are currently using IBM TRIRIGA Functionality or looking to implement it in the future, here are some things you should know to get the GIS functionality working properly.


First and foremost, it is a good idea to get to the 3.4.1 or later platform release. The reason for this is that there were significant platform changes that affected GIS functionality. When ESRI decided to change their methods of accessing the GIS maps that their service provides, IBM TRIRIGA needed to make changes in the platform code to support the functionality. In the 3.3.x releases of the platform, the platform was beginning to implement the EsriJS class loader functionality but it was not fully fleshed out. Early adopters found issues that were reported to the development team for resolution which eventually resulted in fixes that made it into the 3.4.1 release.


Second, there is quite a good deal of information in our documentation about configuring the GIS functionality. Your first reference should be the Connector User Guide. You should be able to perform a Google search to find the actual PDF file. That file is named pdf_tap_connector.pdf and the specific chapter to reference is Chapter 3. Review that document and that specific chapter before you begin attempting to configure the GIS functionality. This document also describes the differences between utilizing the online ESRI service versus an in-house ESRI server. There are differences here in how the EsriJS class loader object is configured, so it is important to understand how you are implementing the GIS functionality and insuring that you configure it properly for your environment. Also note that this document contains information about the TRIRIGA Integration Object. The new ESRI functionality utilizes the Integration Object to interface with the ESRI online geocoding service. You may need to create custom Integration Objects if you intend to perform geocoding on your location related business object. As an example, if you have customized either the triBuilding BO or the triBuilding form, you will need to create a custom "Geocode Address - Esri - Building" Integration Object.


Third, the new EsriJS functionality utilizes new GIS Map records. If you have upgraded from a prior release of TRIRIGA, you may only find that you have one record in this section of the application. Default Map should be in the GIS Map section of the GIS system setup tools. There should be 15 additional maps located there and they are critical to the proper functioning of the maps displayed on the GIS sections and tabs associated with various records. Contact the support team if you do not have all of these maps as there may be an object migration package that was not automatically imported during the upgrade process.


As always, do not hesitate to request assistance from the support team. We are here to insure your experience with TRIRIGA is favorable and getting an environment configured properly is a key ingredient in get user acceptance of any TRIRIGA implementation.


For more recent information about the latest ESRI changes that can impact how ESRI functions in your environment, please review the information at the following URL:!/wiki/IBM%20TRIRIGA1/page/Important%20Information

The information at this site is in regards to the 10.5/3.5 release, but the impact to GIS is likely to be felt in older releases due to changes being made by the ESRI development team. Since ESRI is not a part of the IBM product line, changes that the ESRI team decides to make can impact the ESRI functionality in TRIRIGA.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSHEB3","label":"IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

