IBM Support

CAD Integrator versions versus TRIRIGA Platform versions

Technical Blog Post


CAD Integrator versions versus TRIRIGA Platform versions


NOTE: Significant blog change here to prevent any future confusion. The table normally associated with this blog has been removed and the information below is intended to direct you on how to determine which CAD Integrator version is compatible with which platform release.

Have you begun to upgrade your application platform only to find that your CAD Integrator version does not appear to work? Have you had problems trying to figure out which CAD Integrator version is compatible with which TRIRIGA Platform? You are not alone. The intention of this post is to help you identify the appropriate release of CAD Integrator which is required based on your TRIRIGA Platform.

First, a bit of critical information if you are using a platform release prior to 3.3.

Platform release 3.2 introduced the CI 2011v2 release of CAD Integrator, but the releases starting with the 3.3 platform version tightly coupled the CAD Integrator version to the platform release. Note: Platform release 3.2 is no longer supported, so the CAD Integrator release CI 2011v2 is also no longer supported.

Now, how do you go about determining which release of CAD Integrator is compatible with your platform release:

If you try to find this information by looking at our supported version information, you will definitely get confused. The purpose of that information is to let you know what versions are currently supported (meaning you can enter a PMR) and when certain releases will no longer be supported. The key is the Compatibility Matrix document. If you known your current platform version, you can find the appropriate compatibility matrix document. At the top of that document there are several tables. One table shows what versions of the application are compatible with that platform release. Another table includes the version of CAD Integrator that is compatible with that platform release.

The compatibility matrix for the most recent release of the IBM TRIRIGA Platform can be viewed via the following URL:!/wiki/IBM%20TRIRIGA1/page/Complete%20IBM%20TRIRIGA%20Support%20and%20Compatibility%20Matrix

For the compatibility matrix for older IBM TRIRIGA Platform releases, go to the following URL:!/wiki/IBM%20TRIRIGA1/page/Archive%20of%20IBM%20TRIRIGA%20Support%20Matrices

At this site you will see 4 tabs, click on the Attachments tab. There you will find the compatibility/support matrix files for the IBM TRIRIGA Platform releases as far back as Not that the title of some of the PDF files listed there indicate Support Matrix, but that was before the support and compatibility information was separated into 2 documents.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSHEB3","label":"IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

