IBM Support

Fixing the dreaded TRIRIGA Workflow Builder display issue

Technical Blog Post


Fixing the dreaded TRIRIGA Workflow Builder display issue


In TRIRIGA 3.4.1 and earlier we use a scalable vector graphics (SVG) tool from Adobe and we use some dynamic path statements that are the root of the issue where Workflow Builder stops working or displays incorrectly.


In the March time frame, Microsoft identified a security vulnerability and patched it which broke that dynamic pathing in the Adobe SVG tool. Once Microsoft did this they have continuously generated new patches which all cause the same issue. There is no resolution in TRIRIGA or platform other than to uninstall the Microsoft patches.


There is no and will be no fixpack available for the TRIRIGA Platform 3.2 or previous code stream.  The 3.2 code stream will be end of support (EOS) on 26 June 2015 with no extended support options.  IBM recommends an immediate upgrade to the 3.4.2 Platform.


In the 3.3 code stream IBM has released fixpack where we modified the dynamic paths and made them static to resolve the problem. A much better resolution is available in 3.4.2 where we removed the Adobe tool all together and now use browser based SVG.


In the 3.4 code stream IBM has released fixpack where we modified the dynamic paths and made them static to resolve the problem. A much better resolution is available in 3.4.2 where we removed the Adobe tool all together and now use browser based SVG.


3.4.2 is a better choice across the board. This is very stable release that we worked tirelessly to make our best release yet.

We removed several Java applets minimizing the need for client configurations
We removed the Adobe tooling that was in conflict with Microsoft security
We improved application security in the TRIRIGA platform in line with currently known security vulnerabilities
We added HTML5 functionality that supports a broad range of browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) instead of just IE9
We expanded the capabilities of straight line lease (in the 10.4.2 applications)
We addressed a number of APARs identified in 3.4.1


3.4.2 is the TRIRIGA Platform release to have and we encourage your team to adopt it as quickly as possible. Other than these options ( or or 3.4.2) to relieve your concerns with Microsoft patches and the Workflow builder, the only option is to unsinstall the Microsoft Security Patches.


You may find additional information at these links.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSHEB3","label":"IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

