IBM Support

Add a launch action to an existing TIP Page in the Show submenu

Technical Blog Post


Add a launch action to an existing TIP Page in the Show submenu




Add a launch action to an existing TIP Page in the Show submenu

You can edit the submenu action definition files to allow a custom launch action to

display in the Show submenu shown in both the Service Viewer and Service

Navigator portlets.


About this task

By editing the ViewTools.xml submenu action definition file you can

add a custom launch action in the Show submenu shown in both the

Service Viewer and Service Navigator portlets. To edit the IntegrationTools.xml





1. To copy the ViewTools.xml menu action configuration file from the

TBSM database to your temporary file directory, at a command prompt type:


%TBSM_HOME%\XMLtoolkit\bin\getArtifact.bat -name ViewTools.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory submenuaction -directory <temp>


$TBSM_HOME/XMLtoolkit/bin/getArtifact.bat -name ViewTools.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory submenuaction -directory <temp>


where <temp> is the location on your system that you use as a temporary file

system directory.

2. In a text editor, open the ViewTools.xml file and add a new action as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><dynamicSubMenuAction name="ViewTools" displayName="Show" description="View information about selected instance." roleRequired="tbsmViewService" permissionCheckerClassName="">

<nextAction name="myNewAction"/>

<nextAction name="ShowRawEventsTableView"/>

<nextAction name="ShowRawEvents"/>

<nextAction name="ShowServiceStatus"/>

<nextAction name="ShowRootCause"/>

<nextAction name="ShowChildrenSLAChart"/>

<nextAction name="ShowSingleInstanceSLAChart"/>

<nextAction name="SendTestEvent"/>

<nextAction name="ShowISMReport"/>

<nextAction name="TDWHistory"/>

<nextAction name="FindService"/>

<nextAction name="LaunchTWA"/>

3. To copy the updated ViewTools.xml file into the TBSM database, at a

command prompt type:


%TBSM_HOME%\XMLtoolkit\bin\putArtifact.bat -name <temp>/ViewTools.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory submenuaction


$TBSM_HOME/XMLtoolkit/bin/ -name <temp>/ViewTools.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory submenuaction

where <temp> is the location on your system that you use as a temporary file

system directory.

4. To create the xml for the new launch, extract an existing launch and edit the file as required. For example, the ShowRawEvents.xml artifact describes the right click menu action Show->Service Affecting Events (AEL). Extract this file, as below


%TBSM_HOME%\XMLtoolkit\bin\getArtifact.bat -name ShowRawEvents.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory action -directory <temp>


$TBSM_HOME/XMLtoolkit/bin/getArtifact.bat -name ShowRawEvents.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory action -directory <temp>


where <temp> is the location on your system that you use as a temporary file

system directory.

4. Copy the extracted ShowRawEvents.xml a new file using the action name added to ViewTools.xml, i.e. myNewAction.xml

5. Edit myNewAction.xml, with details of the TIP page to launch. The original file will have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><openURLAction description="Show service affecting events in an AEL." displayName="Service Affecting Events (AEL)" enableDisableExpression="" name="ShowRawEvents" permissionCheckerClassName="" roleRequired="ncw_user" visibleInGUI="true" target="javascript:new parent.TBSM_executeCMSAction(__URL__);"> { "portletPageID": "item.desktop.navigationElement.AEL", "sendToSelf": "false", "portletNamespace": "__portletNamespace__", "iscNamespace": "__iscNamespace__", "launchType": "PORTAL_PAGE", "isAEL": "true", "parameters": [ { "name": "filterName", "value": "RawEvents__"_"+ServiceInstanceID__"}, { "name": "registerFilter", "value": "true"}, { "name": "forceOverwrite", "value": "true"}, { "name": "viewName", "value": "__replace(WebtopViewName,''+NULL,'RawEvents')__"}, { "name": "viewType", "value": "system"}, { "name": "RADEntityName", "value": "__entityName__"}, { "name": "switchPage", "value": "true"}, { "name": "RADEventFilterType", "value": "RawEvents"} ] } </openURLAction> Edit the new copied file myNewAction.xml as follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><openURLAction description="myNewAction" displayName="myNewAction" enableDisableExpression="" name="myNewAction" permissionCheckerClassName="" roleRequired="ncw_user" visibleInGUI="true" target="javascript:new parent.TBSM_executeCMSAction(__URL__);"> { "portletPageID": "",

"sendToSelf": "false", "portletNamespace": "__portletNamespace__", "iscNamespace": "__iscNamespace__", "launchType": "PORTAL_PAGE", "parameters": [ { "name": "switchPage", "value": "true"} ] } </openURLAction> where is the "Page unique name". This can be found by editing the page to be launched. Note, the name="myNewAction" must be the same as the file name.xml (myNewAction.xml) 6. Put the new artifact (for the new launch) into the database




%TBSM_HOME%\XMLtoolkit\bin\putArtifact.bat -name <temp>/myNewAction.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory action


$TBSM_HOME/XMLtoolkit/bin/ -name <temp>/myNewAction.xml

-category menuactions -subcategory action



where <temp> is the location on your system that you use as a temporary file

system directory.

7. To reinitialize the custom launch actions on the Dashboard server, at a

command prompt type:


cd %TBSM_HOME%\bin



cd $TBSM_HOME/bin


Note: It might be necessary for you to log out and log in to TBSM, if the previous configuration was cached.

8. Open the service tree and right-click a service instance and open the Show submenu. The new options is displayed.

9. Double-click the service to display it in the Service Viewer.

10. Right-click the service and open the Show submenu. Verify that the new

launch option is displayed.




[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSSPFK","label":"Tivoli Business Service Manager"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

