IBM Support

Where is Jazz™ for Service Management documentation?

Technical Blog Post


Where is Jazz™ for Service Management documentation?


Find out the new home for our document and how you can get there!


Jazz for Service Management official documentation is now available through the IBM Knowledge Center.


All IBM products that have official documentation are migrating from IBM Information Center to IBM Knowledge Center pages.


To access this new repository, click and expand Cloud & Smarter Infrastructure from Table of Contents. Then, click Jazz for Service Management to access our documentation.



In the Jazz for Service Management welcome page, you can not only access the official documentation of our product, but also the developerWorks posts, Redbooks, and White Papers that are available about the same product or any related component.


To access JazzSM content, you can either expand one of the main topics or click PDF documentation to access the list of PDF files that are available for JazzSM documentation.


If you decide to click PDF documentation, click the link that is provided by Documentation in PDF format to see the list of Jazz for Service Management PDF files that are currently available for download.




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To enjoy these functionalities, you just need to log in by using your IBM credentials. And before enjoying them, understand IBM Knowledge Center Terms of Use.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU050","label":"BU NOT IDENTIFIED"},"Product":{"code":"SSHPN2","label":"Tivoli"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

