IBM Support

Useful queries to troubleshooting reconciliation issues in Registry Services

Technical Blog Post


Useful queries to troubleshooting reconciliation issues in Registry Services


*Co-authored and reviewed by Maristela Salvatore @soaresm

When sending Registration Records requests to Registry Services, you can find a situation where the reconciled Resource Record was not created or the Registration Record information was not part of an existing reconciled Resource Record. How to figure out why your Registration Records were not reconciled?

It might not be easy to find out what could have caused the reconciliation problem, as there is not a straightforward answer for this question. Instead, you can try to understand to which reconciliation scenario your case belongs or you can try to run some queries against Registry Services to determine what the reconciliation problem is.

The most common reconciliation scenarios are:

  • Matching identification rules with no conflict in other attributes

  • Matching identification rules with conflict in other attributes

  • Conflict in lower priority Identification Rule (Merge)

  • Conflict in higher priority Identification Rule (Split)

When talking about queries, you can run queries in the Registry Services Collections or you can do more elaborated queries by using extra parameters.

We created an online document entitled 'Troubleshooting reconciliation problems in Registry Services', where you can find details about these queries and the existing reconciliation scenarios.

This document is available at:


Jazz for Service Management Information Center also contains a section that talks about Registry Services queries. See the 'Integrating with Registry Services' section at:

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