IBM Support

Two weeks left to comment on the Linked Data Platform specification

Technical Blog Post


Two weeks left to comment on the Linked Data Platform specification


As I forecast roughly a month ago, the Linked Data Platform specification published its "Last Call" working draft while I was on walkabout (July 30). 

Assuming things go as planned, once this specification becomes a W3C Recommendation (i.e. a standard in the colloquial sense), it will be the basis for the next generation of linked data APIs from the OSLC (and OASIS) implementers.  Hence it's worth a close look by anyone involved in those areas, whether as a provider, consumer, or both.  Of special note: sections marked At Risk, which describe features that might be yanked depending on the Last Call comments; see sections 4.11 and 5.10.

The review period ends 2 September 2013 (3 weeks from this past Monday).  There is a Status of this Document section at the front that describes how to comment on it in such a way that the working group will formally respond.

Once all Last Call comments have been addressed, the working group will create a revised draft and (normal case) publish it as a Candidate Recommendation, which coincides with a formal Call for Implementations.  If you're an eager beaver, don't be afraid to work ahead on an implementation; incompatible changes after Last Call are uncommon.

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