IBM Support

JazzSM Dashboard – Table Widget : Option to save the column width and column sort settings for a table in view mode

Technical Blog Post


JazzSM Dashboard – Table Widget : Option to save the column width and column sort settings for a table in view mode


Any dashboard user can save or personalize the table view column sort and width configuration. In order to be able to save the column setting, the administrator who created the page and widget should select the table widget quick edit option shown below. 




This option is available under the optional settings on the quick edit configuration page for the table widget. By default it is checked.

How it works:-

When the “Save users setting for column sorting and column width” option is enabled the table widget view will exhibit the following behavior:-
1) On Resize









The dashboard user resizes the column of table widget and the set width will be automatically persisted in the user preference for that user. This will be the case every time the table columns are resized by the user. When the user opens the same dashboard page, he would see the same width setting retained for that column.
2) On sort selection










The dashboard user clicks the sort icon on a column heading and sorts the data in the table. The table column used for sorting data would be persisted in the user preference for that user. This will be the case every time the user select a column to sort the data and the last column selected to sort would be the one that is persisted as there is no nested or multiple sorting supported. When the user reopens the same dashboard page, he would see the data sorted in the order of columns value that was last enabled by the user to sort the data.
Some tips on this option:-
1) If you see that the column width resize and sort setting used within a page view is persisted next time you open the same page and you do not want it to get saved then uncheck the “Save users setting for column sorting and column width” option above. This option is enabled by default so you might not realize that it is resulting in save for the column width and sort settings by default.  
2) The settings are saved per user only and not across all users.


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