IBM Support

Dashboarding made simple: 3rd party data integration

Technical Blog Post


Dashboarding made simple: 3rd party data integration



UI services in  JAZZ for SM or  DASH enables clients to combine a variety of visual widgets such as gauges, tables, charts, lists or topology views visualizing data from products like TBSM for  management data  or ITM data along with 3rd party data into a solution dashboard using a guided flow. To visualize product data in DASH one should refer to product documentation. For 3rd party data one can use IMPACT or TDI based on what fits your need and licensing etc.

From my conversation with clients, most common source of 3rd party data is a database. Attached here is a document  that I wrote sometimes back, it provides details on how to fetch data from DB2 and display in DASH. ..[continue]


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