IBM Support

Configuring DASHBoard widgets with Remote Data Provider

Technical Blog Post


Configuring DASHBoard widgets with Remote Data Provider


To connect to remote data providers, you have to configure the connection in DASH.

Log-in to DASH. Select the "Console settings" from the Navigation Bar and click on the "Connections" option under General category.





















It opens up the editor where you can configure connections to local and remote data providers. To create a new remote connection, click on the "Create new remote provider" icon. Choose the protocol and provide the host name , port details , user name & password of the system on which remote provider is running

Search for the provider by clicking the search button. Ensure to do authentication to cross the firewall if required before clicking the search button.





















It lists the data sources available on the given system. Choose the appropriate one and click "Ok" to add it.

Now the data sets of the remote provider data source will be listed in the Quick Edit of the Dashboard widgets and can be configured.

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