IBM Support

Announcing Availability of Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1.1

Technical Blog Post


Announcing Availability of Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1.1



In addition to fixes, this modification release has new capabilities in the areas of integration and visualization. We now fully support Data Visualization widgets that were delivered a technical preview code in Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1. fix pack 3 (v1.1.0.3). We have added additional dashboard widgets, including a Smart Text widget, a Map widget and Gauge Group widget. Backward compatibility continues to be preserved. This allows customers to confidently apply the latest fixes to their deployments while at the same time deciding if they would like to try out new features.

New in this release:

Dashboard Application Services Hub enhancements

Dashboard Application Services Hub Version is delivered as part of Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1.1.

Dashboard Application Services Hub added fixes, a new console theme, and new dashboard widgets (Map widget, Smart Text widget, and Group Gauge widget). Data Visualization charts are now fully supported.

  • Three new dashboard widgets:
    • A Map widget that can be used to display and manipulate a geographical map with markers. The Map widget supports multiple mapping providers, for example, Google, Bing, and OpenStreetMap.
    • A Gauge Group widget that can be used to group Gauge widgets with a shared data set, thereby enabling the visualization of different key performance indicators/attributes inside one  widget.
    • A Smart Text widget, which is an advanced text widget that supports dynamic content.
  • The Refresh Timer widget has been enhanced to support the ability to set the default refresh time for all users based on a time specified by an administrator.
  • Error messaging and recovery handling in relation to data provider connection failures has been enhanced for all dashboard widgets. This enhancement provides an improved user experience displaying user friendly error messages when a data provider connection is lost, and enabling recovery when a data provider is back online.
  • A new console theme called IBM® Design theme was added to the console UI that features a horizontal navigation bar.
  • Data Visualization-based charting widgets that were previously offered in Jazz for Service Management Version as a technology preview are now fully supported, now including support for a user-defined chart.  Existing charting widgets have been deprecated, however, they are still usable in Dashboard Application Services Hub Version
  • Some console properties can now be managed through the console UI and are denoted by the term editable. Console preferences can be set to hide the navigation bar and/or task bar if required for network operations center (NOC) displays. Included is a new default welcome page console property that can be enabled, which allows customers to define their own welcome page or dashboard that is displayed after logging in.
  • Console Integration of dashboards hosted outside of Dashboard Application Services Hub now prompts a user to respond and accept any necessary self-signed SSL certificates.
  • Console Integration maintains the hierarchy structure of integrated pages within the Dashboard Application Services Hub navigation bar.

Note: Internet Explorer Version 8 is not supported in Dashboard Application Services Hub Version


Over 60 APARs and Defect fixes

There have been over 60 APARs and defects addressed by this release, for more information, see: Quality improvements.

For more details see the "What's new" section of the Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1.1 documentation.

Download and install Jazz for Service Management v Version 1.1.1 release today.

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