IBM Support

Dynamically routing SDP tasks in IBM Stewardship Center

Technical Blog Post


Dynamically routing SDP tasks in IBM Stewardship Center


Author: Geetha S Pullipaty

Product: Infosphere Master Data Management.
Component: Data Stewardship and Governance.
Version: 11.5.0

Other prerequisite software: IBM Business Process Manager 8.5.6 , IBM Process Designer 8.5.6, IBM Stewardship Center 11.5.0 installed and configured.


IBM Stewardship Center provides the ability to perform proactive data stewardship activities around Physical MDM. When a suspect gets created on MDM , a notification is being sent to BPM and a Suspected Duplicate task gets created on BPM Process portal for a Data steward to act upon. ISC default implementation creates all SDP tasks for a single group called DataStewardGroup.


This document explains how to create tasks to different data steward groups based on certain data on the notification message.


1. Open Physical MDM Suspected Duplicates process application in editable mode using IBM Process Designer.


2. Add one input variable called "partySourceId" in process "Resolve Suspected Duplicate process".



3. Create two groups called DSSourceOneGroup and DSSourceTwoGroup . Each of them have two users. DSSourceOneGroup has two users called DSSourceOneUser1 and DSSourceOneUser2. DSSourceTwoGroup has two users called DSSourceTwoUser1 and DSSourceTwoUser2. Basically users and groups creation is done using Process admin console

4. Create two teams with names "PSDP Source One DS Team" and "PSDP Source Two DS Team" and associate each team with one group created in previous step. PSDP Source One DS Team has group “DSSourceOneGroup” and "PSDP Source Two DS Team" has group “DSSourceTwoGroup” associated.






This step is done in Phsyical MDM Suspected Duplicates process application using IBM Process Designer.

5. Change the assignments part for the step called "Suspected Duplicate" in  process "Resolve Suspected Duplicate process".




So basically if partySourceId is 1 then we are assigning to the team called "PSDP Source One DS Team" which internally assigns to first group and two users associated with that. Similary if partySourceId is 2 then the task is assigned to second data steward team and group.


6. Add the following script to step called "Create Task" on the service "Process Suspected Duplicate Event Message"





So when we run with making partySourceId as 1 the task gets created for users of group with name “DSSourceOneGroup” and with 2 it gets assigned for users of group with name “DSSourceTwoGroup”. This can be checked by logging into Process portal with different users from two groups that we created.



This is just to show the concept of dynamically routing tasks. In any customer scenario we need to identify the attributes based on which the routing has to be done. This attribute information also need to be available from the message or notification sent from MDM to BPM. This would also need customizing notification classes on MDM to have the required information sent in the message.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSWSR9","label":"IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

