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Overview of z/OS XL C/C++ saved compile-time options


Following a successful compilation, the application executable file will always include information about compile-time options in a compact form. This information supports determination of runtime problems. Saved compile-time options information might include the following parts:


  1. Fixed subset of compilation options for each source file compiled.
  2. Source file name for each source file compiled.
  3. Version information for each compiler component that is active during the compilation.


A compilation flag in the Program Prolog Area-2 (PPA2) indicates the presence of saved options information. If the service string is specified, the saved option string follows it. Otherwise the saved options information follows the time stamp string.


Detailed layout of the saved options information is documented in z/OS XL C/C++ Programming Guide. Visit IBM Knowledge Center for documentation of z/OS XL C/C++ compiler.