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EGL Rich UI Q&As

During the week of February 23, Jon Sayles and Scott Pecnik have been teaching a try-out course on EGL Rich UI. I am doing the general Q&A session on Friday, and all the hard questions will be addressed then.
Dr. Chris answering the questions of live....

Some very good questions that came from the audience were:

  • When creating a library there’s an RichUI properties library option, what’s this?
  • In JSF we have request,session and application variables how to handle this in RichUI?
  • In Batch/JSF we have the file or the environment variables to store properties how to handle this in RichUI?
  • Are there any plans to do something with the ExtJs GWT widgets in RichUI?
  • What about support in RichUI for the DOJO widgets?
  • For the development environment, are there any plans to make the design and preview tab available for RUIWidget handlers?
  • When defining an event handler, I have to say "e Event in", what is the significance of the "in" modifier?
  • How do I include a CSS file that is shared by more than one project, such as a company-wide global stylesheet?
  • In the editor's "design" tab, can I use the outline view to arrange widget layout, instead of dragging and dropping in the visual editor canvas?
  • Can I include things like <meta> tags in my generated HTML file?
  • What happens at runtime when the children field is set? What is the life-cycle of widgets and RUIHandlers?
  • How does RUI support I18N?
  • How can I handle window.onClose events?

We will go over these questions Feb. 27, 11am EST.