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Video Blog: ITM Nuggets: How to increase the size and number of logs for a Linux / Unix based TEMS

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Video Blog: ITM Nuggets: How to increase the size and number of logs for a Linux / Unix based TEMS




As normal, I like to blog about areas of ITM that I cover when working with you, either through PMRs or direct on customer site.

Today's series topics is all related to increase the log file size on a Linux / Unix based TEMS.




Why would I need this?

There has been a few cases where larger log files were needed to capture the data support needed to identify the problem (especially relating to communications), so here are the simple steps to increase the size and number of logs the TEMS uses before it wraps around its log files.



Video guide (step-by-Step)

Direct Youtube Link:




Paramaters needed:

You can change these parameters by adding the following 3 lines in      

$CANDLEHOME/config/[hostname]_ms_[TEMS name].config                     






KBB_RAS1_LOG='%(CTIRA_LOG_PATH)/[hostname]_ms_%(systask)_%(sysutcstart)-.log INVENTORY=%(CTIRA_LOG_PATH)/[hostname]_ms_%(systask).inv COUNT=15  LIMIT=10 PRESERVE=1 MAXFILES=20'                                        





Parameter Key


INVENTORY is the location of a file that keeps track of all log sections

COUNT is the number of files before wrap around                         

LIMIT is size in megabytes                                              

PRESERVE log segments to preserve, in this case segment 1               

MAXFILES = number of sessions to keep.        


NOTE: Remember to replace the [hostname] (as above in bold to the hostname of your system





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