IBM Support

Updated Help content for the Overview page in APM 814 .NET Agent.

Technical Blog Post


Updated Help content for the Overview page in APM 814 .NET Agent.


The Help Content is missing for the APM 814 .NET Agent with IF4 applied on the Overview page.    If you'd like some information on the details of this group widget, please see here.

Slow Requests - Top 10

The Slow Requests - Top 10 group widget provides a tree table widget that displays the top 10 requests with high response time. The requests are sorted according to their response time. The request with the highest response time is placed at the top.

Tip: Click Diagnose to view details of requests. This option is available for the offerings that contain the diagnostics capability.

Various key performance indicators (KPIs) are supported by the Performance Management console.

Average Response Time (ms)
This attribute displays the average response time of a request. The type is real number (32-bit gauge) with two decimal places of precision.
This attribute displays the name of the slow request. The type is string (288 bytes long).


Good luck. Smile

Noel Lewis

ITCAM / APM / ICAM L2 Support team


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