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Troubling Shooting - Configuring APM Jboss agent JMX MBean server connections Jboss domain environment

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Troubling Shooting - Configuring APM Jboss agent JMX MBean server connections Jboss domain environment


Issue: The current KC only has instructions for enabling the JMX MBean server connections for a Jboss standalone environment.

The steps below provide the steps to enable the JMX MBean server connections in a Jboss domain environment


--RM-- Resource Monitoring for JBoss domain configuration. --RM--


1. One agent instance will be necessary for each JBoss server instance you monitor on each JBoss host.

Example: If you have a main-server-group with master and slave servers, you need to monitor both the

master and slave servers with separate agent instances.

They do not share all mbeans.

Note that if you run an application on the controller or a slave, they don't report average response time.


2. Create a JBoss user account with ApplicationRealm priviledges in each domain configuration directory for each JBoss server you monitor. This will be the user you will use in your JBoss agent configuration.


Example: <JBOSS_HOME>\bin\add-user.bat [-dc <JBOSS_HOME>\MyCustomHostDirectory\domain\configuration\]


Test: Observe that the user name is set in <JBOSS_HOME>\MyCustomHostDirectory\domain\configuration\


3. Ensure the JBoss user account from step 2. has a role with sufficient administrative authority.


Example: Re-run the JBoss add-user script for your monitoring user and give it ManagementRealm privileges with the SuperUser role.


4. Update the domain.xml for each JBoss host to set use-management-endpoint to false.


     <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jmx:1.3">





     <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jmx:1.3">



       <remoting-connector use-management-endpoint="false"/>


  under all socket profiles for the servers you want to monitor on that server.


5. Update the hosts.xml file on each JBoss host to set its IP address.


   <interface name="management">

     <inet-address value="${}"/>


   <interface name="public">

    <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:}"/>




   <interface name="management">

     <inet-address value="${http://<your address><ServerIP accessable by agent>}"/>


   <interface name="public">

    <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:<ServerIP accessable by agent>}"/>



6. For each agent instance, make sure the JMX URI uses the proper port.

EAP 6: service:jmx:remoting-jmx://<ServerIP>:<Remoting port + offset binding for server instance>

EAP 7: service:jmx:remote+http://<ServerIP>:<Remoting port + offset binding for server instance>


Example: JMX URIs for a JBoss EAP 7 host named jboss-eap7-slave1 with 2 servers.

The first server uses the default http port 8080, and the second server has a port offset of 150.




To confirm the http port for each JBoss server, look in the "server.log" for each JBoss server after it has been started at least once.

For example, for a JBoss host named host1_server1, with a JBoss home of C:/EAP-7.0.0, the server.logs might be found at



Search for "server.log" from your JBoss home directory and determine the correct location for each server.log for the JBoss servers you monitor.


Example server.log message:

2018-10-23 09:08:19,875 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC service thread 1-3) WFLYUT0006: Undertow HTTP listener default listening on


--RM-- End Draft Instructions for JBoss domain configuration. --RM--


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